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The Founding of InsideTracker: Personalized Nutrition & Wellness Taken to the Next Level [Video] banner image

The Founding of InsideTracker: Personalized Nutrition & Wellness Taken to the Next Level [Video]

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InsideTracker is a health analytics company whose mission is to empower people to improve their health and performance through science, quantification, and personalization. Founded by leading scientists from MIT, Tufts, and Harvard, the InsideTracker platform analyzes key biomarkers related to health and performance, and provides actionable guidance tailored to each individual user. 

In this video, I sat down with Dr. Gil Blander, Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of InsideTracker, to talk about the value of nutrition, wellness, and how InsideTracker fits into both of those categories.

Some of our discussion points include Gil's background, the challenges of building a company like InsideTracker, how the product works from the user's point of view, and the complicated world of eating healthy.

To learn more about InsideTracker and check out job openings, check out the right side of this page or go to venturefizz.com/insidetracker.

Keith Cline is the Founder of VentureFizz.  Follow him on Twitter: @kcline6.

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We help you improve your overall health and longevity with personalized nutrition, using your blood, DNA, and habits.

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23 of the Most Appealing Offices in Boston Tech banner image

23 of the Most Appealing Offices in Boston Tech

Throughout the years, we've featured the inside look at 150+ offices in the Boston tech scene as part of our Office Tour series. This year, we have given our readers a look inside 23 offices throughout Boston.

Our goal is to capture each company's working environment and unique culture. We've seen employees in meetings and grabbing a bite to eat in fully-stocked kitchen, working together in highly collaborative spaces, and playing a few games of foosball or ping pong.

In the slideshow below you'll find pictures from all the company's offices we have showcased this year. There will be a link on each slide to give our readers a chance to take a full tour.

The VentureFizz Podcast: Todd Garland - Founder of BuySellAds banner image

The VentureFizz Podcast: Todd Garland - Founder of BuySellAds

For the 111th episode of our podcast, I interviewed Todd Garland, Founder of BuySellAds.

BuySellAds is an AdTech company that builds scalable revenue programs for companies with captive audiences. Todd has built the company by bootstrapping it from day one. There are no tricks to their business model. It is a marketplace that aims to find audiences who are passionate and match up advertisers who are interested in advertising their product or service to these audiences. The goal is to add value to the web with contextually relevant ads for consumers.

Here’s a fun fact about BuySellAds that you might not know. Remember the website Digg, the popular news sharing website from the early Web 2.0 era of user-generated content? The site was founded by Kevin Rose, who infamously appeared on the cover of BusinessWeek representing this new wave of Silicon Valley founders. Well, did you know that Digg was acquired last year buy BuySellAds? It’s true.

I find it fascinating that a Boston company owns this piece of internet history. At the beginning of our podcast, we get into lots of the details behind this acquisition. Although the site is not nearly as popular as it once was, I’m really curious to see what they do with it - stay tuned!

In this episode of our podcast, we cover lots of topics, like:

  • Todd’s background growing up in Maine and his experience as an early employee at HubSpot.
  • The origin story of BuySellAds. How it went from being a side project generating over a million dollars in revenue to becoming his full-time job, and the challenges of building the first versions of the product.
  • How he built out the marketplace in terms of supply and demand.
  • Why he decided to bootstrap his company over raising outside capital.
  • Speculation on the future of AdTech.
  • Advice for founders looking to acquire companies.
  • Plus, a lot more.

We just published the July edition of Career Forward. It has over 120 of the hottest jobs across the Boston tech scene. There are positions listed across all levels of experience and all functional areas like sales, product management, software engineering, and more. Go to venturefizz.com/careerforward to start exploring.

You can listen to the podcast in the player below. To make sure you receive future episodes, please subscribe to us on iTunesGoogle PlayStitcherSpotify, or Soundcloud. If you enjoyed our show, please consider writing us a 5-star review—it will definitely help us get the word out there! 

Keith Cline is the Founder of VentureFizz. Follow him on Twitter: @kcline6.

There is No Silver Bullet for Success banner image

There is No Silver Bullet for Success

In the space of about twelve hours, I had an interesting lightbulb moment. 

Last night, I was catching up with a former colleague of mine on the phone. When we worked together, he was a high-performing sales rep. Just a few short years later, he gave up his lucrative career to follow his real passion. Today, he’s living in Nashville and managing a band that has cut two records and is beginning to make some real traction.  

This morning, I had a call with a friend who I was introduced to about a year ago for potential business collaboration. While that didn’t take off, we did connect on a fundamental gut level. He’s recently just shut the doors to his business, and was sharing an incredible idea he was exploring. 

What do these two guys have in common?  If you met them, your surface response would be, “Ummm, nothing!” And yet, one more moment happened this morning that tied it all together for me. Our Rapid7 headquarters is moving next month, to a pretty epic new building. In our scramble to finalize the space, we realized we had numerous bookshelves in our new library/speakeasy...but no books to place on them. We approached this dilemma the same way we do with most challenges in our company; we enlisted the help of our people. We asked people to supply us with recommendations of their favorite books that support everything from cybersecurity to leadership to our core values. I spent much of my weekend ordering their picks and will include their recommendation write-ups for people to reference. The books started arriving this week, as did my organization of them into general categories. While I was doing so, I noticed a number of titles that screamed out bold claims in being able to help the reader “live their best life.”

I pulled a few of those volumes to skim and then thought back to my two friends. I realized that there is a multitude of books, apps, retreats and the like claiming to have the answers to how to aid one in actually achieving this. And yet, if you think hard, I’ll challenge you to come up with a list of more than a handful of people in your life who can honestly claim they’ve gone after and truly pursued the life they aspire to lead. And if so many people desire that, why do so few find success in achieving it? 

I certainly don’t have the answer. I just know I seem to be drawn to people who live like this, as I relate to them on a core level. I’ve often written about courage and audaciousness.  And yet, I often find myself frustrated because I know so many incredibly bright, impressive people who are capable of greatness but somehow get in their own way and never fully realize it.  After a bit of time reflecting on the conversations with my friends, balanced with all these books piled on my office floor claiming to help you live like them, I have brainstormed my own list of how to really go after the life and career you want...and hopefully take a step closer to making it a reality. 

  • Bring You.  “Bring You” is Rapid7’s core value focused on being your authentic self.  No matter how many things you share in common with people, every single human being has their own unique blueprint for the way they’d love to map out their lives.  Own it, and believe that those differences are not only what makes you special, but have the ability to become your competitive advantage. And remember, only YOU can take control of ensuring your life is playing out the way you want it to.  Take a deep breath, and believe in yourself, and that you can accomplish whatever it is you are about to sign up for. If you don’t believe you can pull it off, why should anyone else?

  • Identify your passion.  At some point, whether it’s an interview, a date, or just a conversation with a friend, I ask nearly every person “what are you passionate about?”  I don’t care what the actual answer is; I just care that there is an answer. While I try hard not to be judgmental in life, I will readily cop to that fact that I judge you if you don’t have an answer.  Whether it’s your graphic novel collection, teaching yourself new computer languages, etc. we all seem to find more meaning when we can identify what we truly care about. It provides us with a reason to learn, evolve and work towards mastery.  It also aids in connecting you with others who share a similar interest. 

  • Set a goal...and be a little audacious. Ok, now you know what you are passionate about.  Next step is to channel that into your life in a form that you think will really add value.  Tie a clear goal to it, and begin to measure your progress often. For example, if you are passionate about writing, but you don’t carve out any time in your life to actually do it, chances are you’ll never complete that novel or short story you’ve always dreamed of publishing.  And yet, if you set the audacious goal of “I’m going to write my novel by the end of 2019…” and then break it into chunks like, “I’ll write 1000 words a day, no matter what” and maybe an “I’m signing up for that writing class after work on Tuesdays” you set yourself in a far better position to achieve it.  

  • Find some discipline. In the fantastic Malcolm Gladwell book Outliers, he famously shares that the key to success and gaining true mastery takes 10,000 hours. I don’t know about you, but 20 hours a week to gain mastery over a 10 year period of time isn’t my jam.  However, the underlying point of finding the discipline to practice, work your butt off and not give up is 100% true. I tend to work from the premise that we are not handed anything in life. If we want to accomplish something astonishing, we must work for it.  And work hard. In our instantaneous world of immediate gratification, this one can be a hard pill to swallow. And yet, if you think about all the people you know who are really optimizing their lives, you’ll likely readily admit they are working their tails off to make that be the case. 

  • Create opportunities for yourself. Once you have started down this path of accountability with your direction and goal, and you’ve supported it with the discipline to make progress every day, seek out opportunities to build on it.  I care deeply about community service and used to commit a large portion of my time to it. Then I became busy with my work and raising kids, and something I cared deeply about fell off my priority list. Guess what? That missing component took a hit on my overall life satisfaction. Once I realized that I created a new opportunity to weave it back into my life.  I blurred the passion I had for helping others with my company’s desire to give back to our community. Several years of community service days and a rotation program with a community service element stitched in, and I’ve found a way to blend things in a way that has both benefitted my company and my personal goals in life. 

  • Consider your posse. Now think about the people you spend the majority of your time with. Do they support the passion and goals you identified? Do they share common dreams or aspirations?  Do you gain energy by spending time with them, or do they zap it? As I realized with my two friends, I am inspired and motivated by people who I recognize as bold, innovative thinkers who just might be slightly crazy in all the best ways. I find that if I spend too much time with people who are close-minded, or too fearful about taking risks, I tend to pull away from them because they pull from my energy. If you are really trying to set yourself up to live your best possible life, who you spend your time with can either bolster those efforts...or have a serious negative effect on your success rate. 

There are probably hundreds of more pieces of advice that people who live like this could share.  At its core, however, remember this. You’ve got one life. You can choose to embrace it wholeheartedly, and commit to accomplishing the things you believe will enhance it to its full potential.  OR you could choose to read a few books, download an app, and start making wishes that your dreams will magically come true. I’m a realist...I’ll be the one making sure I never give up until I accomplish everything on my bucket list.  

Hope you’re with me. 

Christina Luconi is Chief People Officer for Rapid7. Follow her on Twitter: @peopleinnovator. 
The VentureFizz Podcast: Brendan Schwartz and Chris Savage - Founders of Wistia banner image

The VentureFizz Podcast: Brendan Schwartz and Chris Savage - Founders of Wistia

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For the 109th episode of our podcast, I interviewed the Founders of Wistia, Brendan Schwartz and Chris Savage.

Wistia is a company that creates video software for growing businesses and they’ve helped over 500,000 of them. What is truly amazing about the Wistia story is how the business has grown with a very limited amount of outside capital and they have gone on to build one of the marque B2B software brands in the industry.

Here’s a very random fun fact that I have to share about Wistia. You know when you go to the team section of a company’s website. Then you mouse over the photo and it switched over to a different picture? Well, Wistia invented this style and in the early days of the company their team page went viral and ended up landing them a bunch of customers. It is a simple, yet effective example of their creativity and over the long-term, their approach to content marketing is probably one of the best examples out there.

If one word could sum up this episode it would be transparency which is a trait that I admire about Brendan and Chris. They share lots of stories about getting the business off the ground, to all the trials and tribulations, and lots of amazing advice.

In this episode of our podcast, we cover lots of topics, like:

  • Brendan and Chris’ background story prior to starting Wistia.
  • All the details about how they founded Wistia and started to gain traction.
  • A cool story about how they had to make a hard decision by saying “no” to HBO as a potential customer and why that decision ended up being an important one for their future.
  • Why they didn’t take on traditional venture capital to fund the growth of the business and what led them down the path of taking on $17M in debt financing last year.
  • How they have built a strong culture that is centered around transparency.
  • Plans for future growth.
  • Plus, a lot more.

Ok - quick side note… This is exciting because you have two options for catching this episode. You can either listen to the audio from your favorite podcast app or, for this special episode, you can watch the full video of this interview! The video version is classic, as the background from one of their in-house studios at Wistia looks like a Blockbuster store with real VCR movies in the background. Don’t miss it!

You can listen to the podcast in the player below. To make sure you receive future episodes, please subscribe to us on iTunesGoogle PlayStitcherSpotify, or Soundcloud. If you enjoyed our show, please consider writing us a 5-star review—it will definitely help us get the word out there! 

Keith Cline is the Founder of VentureFizz. Follow him on Twitter: @kcline6.

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Software that makes it easy to find, engage, and grow your audience with video.

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Boston Tech Shares Their Summer Reading Recommendations banner image

Boston Tech Shares Their Summer Reading Recommendations

Summer reading. Some people find there's nothing more relaxing than reading a good book by the pool, the beach, or in the backyard hammock. This summer, I plan on reading Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup.

Inspired by Bill Gates' list of 5 books worth reading this summer, we asked founders, CEOs, and operating executives across the Boston tech scene for book recommendations. The goal is to give you some great books to check out during those summer vacations or whenever you have a chance to read.

Below is a slideshow with all the recommendations! Check it out!

Colin Barry is an Editor & Staff Writer to VentureFizz. Follow him on Twitter @ColinKras

Boston Digital's Offices in Charlestown banner image

Boston Digital's Offices in Charlestown

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Boston Digital is a full-service digital marketing agency with deep roots in website design and development. The company recently rebranded from its old name, Boston Interactive.

Take the tour in the slideshow below of their headquarters in the Schrafft's Center in Charlestown where you will see a bright, orange-colored office designed for collaboration across the agency. 

Interested in working at Boston Digital? On the sidebar, you will see the company's job openings!

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Helping brands find their Digital Mojo. 

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