Company Discovery - A Recap of our New 'Discover' Video Series banner image

Company Discovery - A Recap of our New 'Discover' Video Series

Just recently, we rebranded our 'CxO Briefing' video Q&A series to 'Discover'.  The content is the same, but we wanted to give it a fresh brand, and clearly label what this is... Company Discovery!

Check out these videos we published this year with leaders from AMAZING tech companies, highlighting what their company does, what's next, and why they should be on your radar!

Discover NWN Carousel: AI-powered technology solutions for the modern workplace


Discover Trellis: Industry-Leading Solutions that Make Insurance Easy for Everyone


Discover Linus Health: The digital health company transforming brain health


Discover Nexthink: The leader in Digital Employee Experience management software


Discover SmartBear: A leading provider of software testing and visibility solutions


Discover Hometap: The company pioneering debt-free home equity financing


Discover Rapid7: The leader in extended risk and threat detection


Discover Imprivata: The leading provider of healthcare IT security solutions


Discover Openly: The technology-enabled premium insurance provider


Discover Volta Labs: The company transforming the way biological research and analyses are performed


Discover Nayya: The Company Provides a Personalized Benefits Experience Your Employees Deserve


Discover Ketryx: The Company Making Medical Software Safe and Reliable


Discover Klaviyo: The Company that Powers Smarter Digital Relationships