About Rapid and what they do
Yeah, Rapid7 is cybersecurity company really began with a mission to bring security to the masses, you know, the traditionally cybersecurity companies catered to the most sophisticated end users. And what we realized is that, you know, cybersecurity was something that everyone needed to be, you know, be able to achieve. And so we've really spent a lot of our time trying to understand how attackers break into the companies we're trying to protect, and build security solutions that they can use, and they're easy to use, and that are operational. And so, you know, ultimately, when you come to work your Rapid7, you're democratizing cybersecurity.
Details on Rapid7's engineering team
So we have a really large engineering team, but we have a lot of different products here. And so what we really strive to build here is, you know, discrete and autonomous engineering teams, you know, teams that, you know, around 20, to 30, engineers strong autonomously are working on, you know, they're part of the product or even sometimes, you know, the whole product. And ultimately, you know, we really want to keep that spirit of innovation that got us where we are today. And so small, innovative, you know, highly motivated engineering teams is what we strive to build.
Cool projects engineers get to work on
You know, one of the great things about coming to Rapid7 is, you know, almost every, every project here is really interesting, because you are trying to protect your customers from active adversaries. So if you think about what makes cybersecurity as a space incredibly unique, is that there are, you know, bands of criminals, you know, nation states, hackers that are trying to break into your customers, environments, active adversaries, that you have to react to understand and constantly keep abreast of what they're doing. And it probably makes cybersecurity the most unique, one of the most unique industries to work in. Because every project we work on here is in reaction or trying to be proactively getting ahead of, of these active attackers and what they're doing. And so, you know, it's, it's, there's just never a dull day here, Rapid7, because the threat landscape, what attackers are doing, how they're trying to break into our customers is just constantly evolving. And so, you know, we're really excited about the breadth of offerings and the breadth of ways we help our customers protect themselves against these attackers. But with that breath comes really just, you know, an immense amount of interesting problems to solve.
Details on the tech stack
We have a modern microservice tech stack, you know, we use a lot of the traditional tools that people use to build microservices, we're an Amazon Web Services shop. So AWS, you know, through and through, we do have some services running in GCP, and a very small Azure presence. But ultimately, we've standardized on AWS, which means if you come to Rapid7, you get to take advantage of all those, you know, really, you know, rich AWS services, a lot of companies that are striving to be multi-cloud and you know, have their stack run in all three of the big cloud providers don't get to take advantage of some of those core Amazon services, because they are, you know, might not be available over in, in GCP. So, you know, we really try to take advantage of all the power of AWS, so we leave our developers to solve the really hard problems. And ultimately, you know, beyond just the cybersecurity issues, you know, we are all about scale. And you know, last year, one of our product lines, process 92 trillion events, for across all of our customers. And, you know, scale is really important. So we use, you know, Java, microservices, and you know, all sorts of back end services that allow us to scale whether it's Cassandra, Redis, AWS, Athena, it ultimately because we're a microservice shop, if you believe there's a tool or solution out there that will help us achieve the scale we need and solve the problem we need to solve. You've got the independence to choose that particular, you know, solution and run with it. And that's really what we strive is for each of our development teams to solve the problems in front of them using the technology to solve those problems.
What to expect during the interview process
So, you know, I think first and foremost, we strive to maintain a really strong team culture. And so ultimately, what we're trying to figure out is, you know, are you going to fit into our team culturally, and are you going to be, you know, are you gonna be happy here? Are we going to be happy is the team all going to, you know, going to get along and, and so that, you know, first and foremost is the most important thing, then I would say, you know, we're really looking for people with high aptitude. So you don't have to have used our tech stack in the past, you don't have to be a cybersecurity expert. We just want curious people who love to learn. And if you really fit those two characteristics, right low ego love to work on a team and love to learn, you're gonna do great Rapid7.
Why now is the ideal time to join
What I would say is, that it's always a great time to join Rapid7, I think as a company, we value our culture and our team. You know, we're a company that's growing rapidly, and we're, you know, constantly solving new and exciting problems. And so, it doesn't matter if you're ready to join Rapid7 today, are you ready to join us in six months or a year? It's always gonna be true. You know, we really believe in our culture, protecting our culture and hiring people are going to be great in our culture. And you know, we have no shortage of incredibly hard problems to solve so you know, it's always a good time to join wraps up.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai