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Career Path - Brooke Olownia, Senior Implementation Analyst at Nayya

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What do the career path and the day-in-the-life look like for a Senior Implementation Analyst at Nayya?

We connected with Brooke Olownia to find out!

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Where did you grow up?  

I grew up in a small town in rural Connecticut.

Where did you go to college?  What did you study and what were some of your initial jobs out of school?

I went to Fordham University and studied Anthropology and International Political Economy. After graduating I took a few months off to enjoy the summer and job search until I was eventually connected with Nayya! I started on Nayya’s Support team where I gained lots of product knowledge and implementation experience which eventually led me to my current role.

What has attributed to your success thus far and has helped propel you to the position you have now?

In my career so far, I think my willingness to own new projects and learn new skills has been essential to my success. Having managers that have been genuinely interested in my career growth has allowed me to explore new opportunities and my interests, and has definitely propelled me to where I am now.

Can you share the high-level responsibilities of your current position as a Senior Implementation Analyst at Nayya?

As a Senior Implementation Analyst I work day to day to support successful product launches for our clients for one of our largest partnerships. I’m responsible for making sure the internal work for our client implementations is completed in a timely and accurate manner. This involves working with the Implementation Managers on my team, our product teams, and the seasonal contractors who support us during our busy season.

Any tips for someone considering a career in your field?

I would recommend always staying curious and knowledgeable about the product you are implementing. Keeping a pulse on any new product updates, and taking a genuine interest in how the product can have a positive impact for customers has always made my work easier.

Day in the Life


Coffee, tea, or nothing?

I love iced lattes, but matcha is also good on occasion!

What time do you start working? 

Usually between 8:30 am and 9 am

What is something that motivates you in your role?

I love problem solving! My current role allows me to solve problems every day, whether that involves finding a solution for a customer, or finding ways to make our team’s processes more efficient.

Every day is different, but can you outline what a typical day looks like for you?

Early in the day I like to go through my emails and new messages from other platforms. I’ll take any action items from those messages and prioritize them throughout the day between my project work and attending any client meetings. I also monitor questions and issues our seasonal contractors may have throughout the day, and hold office hours with them on a regular basis.

Any productivity hacks?

Having a second monitor is life changing

What are the 3 apps that you can’t live without?

Spotify, MTA Train Time, and Citymapper - I love music and spend a lot of time in transit

What professional accomplishment are you proudest of?

I’m very proud of receiving a peer nominated company award within my first year working at Nayya.

Who do you admire or call upon for professional advice?

 My parents, or my older sister

Biggest guilty pleasure song and/or artist?

ABBA never fails to put me in a good mood

About the

Nayya is on a mission to change the way people choose, use, and maximize their employee benefits, so they can thrive at work and in life.

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