
Shaping the Future of Healthcare

Zus is the only shared health data platform designed to accelerate healthcare data interoperability by providing easy-to-use patient data at the point of care via API, embedded components, and direct EHR integrations. Our mission is to catalyze healthcare's greatest inventors by maximizing the value of patient insights - so that they can build up, not around.

Who We Serve

Zus works closely with engineering teams eager to innovate in patient experience, care team experience, and clinical pathways without having to build the underlying infrastructure from scratch.

building change at Zus Health

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Zus provides digital health startups with the tech scaffolding they need to create freely. With healthcare-focused APIs, patient data, and workflow-enabled widgets already in place, builders are able to focus their most innovative energy on delivering new value. 

We approach our work from a place of compassion for the patient. Safety, health, and privacy are never compromised. As we collaborate on new solutions, our diverse backgrounds make us better. Anything’s possible – and that’s what keeps us going.

  • Values
  • Benefits

Building for builders

Our tools and services are designed to accelerate builders. Innovation in healthcare happens when digital healthcare startups can get their ideas to market. Everything we do must deliver value to those who are innovating.

Dream big, but execute fast

Speed wins the day. To tackle a big problem right, you’ve got to start by breaking it down. We strive to deliver value early and iterate all we can.

A community of collaboration

The more we learn, the more we succeed. We revel in sharing our knowledge with others.

Competitive salary
401K plan
Excellent care options
Work from wherever
Flexible PTO
Zus-sponsored events