VentureFizz Stories

1405 Matching Stories
By: | December 8, 2014

This week, we spoke with Jennifer Lum, co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Adelphic Mobile. She joined her first startup company while finishing up her degree at the University of Toronto...

By: Keith Cline | July 27, 2014

Ok - this is crazy!  VentureFizz is 5 years old!  Yup - we launched the site in July of 2009 and what a wild ride it has been!  We are incredibly grateful for all of you out there who read...

By: | July 7, 2013

Drizly, a local alcohol delivery app, looks to make the process of beer, wine, and liquor delivery as simple as ordering a takeout pizza. With an approach that resembles Domino’s Pizza more than a catering service...

By: | March 26, 2013

If leaders are supposed to lead, and managers are supposed to manage, then what do I do? The good news is that you don’t have to choose…do both. Whether you...

By: | January 28, 2013

“If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it” – Lord Kelvin.  This article is a comprehensive and detailed look at the key metrics that are needed to understand and optimize...

By: | November 18, 2012

Tufts University has supposedly been fairly quiet on the startup scene—neighbored by Harvard and MIT, innovations and ventures coming from Walnut Hill in Somerville don’t...

By: Keith Cline | September 30, 2012

We started VentureFizz over three years ago.  Our goal was to fill a void that was missing
at the time.  A community website that
focused on the Boston tech scene and a simple resource to keep people plugged
in.  Since our launch...

By: Keith Cline | June 20, 2011

Back in 2003, Android was a startup that was on a mission to build something innovative... with an original business model for building a platform for carriers that...

By: | May 26, 2011

LinkedIn went public last week. As a shareholder I'm obviously pleased with the investor reception LinkedIn has received, but more importantly it's a great milestone for...

By: | February 18, 2010

This blog post looks at the high level goals of a SaaS business and drills down layer by layer to expose the key metrics that will help drive success. Metrics for metric’s sake are not very useful. Instead the goal is to provide a detailed look at what management must focus on to drive a successful SaaS business. For...
