The VentureFizz Podcast: Eric Horndahl - CEO & Co-Founder at Renoviso banner image

The VentureFizz Podcast: Eric Horndahl - CEO & Co-Founder at Renoviso

For this episode of The VentureFizz Podcast, I interviewed Eric Horndahl, CEO & Co-Founder at Renoviso.

Eric was a major contributor to two successful web companies in the Boston area, that being FlipKey (which was acquired by TripAdvisor) and BuyerZone (which was acquired by Reed Business Information).

If you’ve ever had a major home improvement project like replacing your windows… it’s typically not a great experience, but Renoviso is looking to change that by disrupting the home improvement industry with a whole new approach through transparency, technology, and world-class customer service.

Renoviso’s investors are Corigin Ventures, Bessemer Venture Partners, NextView Ventures, FJ Labs, plus a who’s who list of angel investors. This interview is timely, as they just recently raised $7M in venture funding, so we had a lot to talk about.

In this episode, we cover:

  • Eric’s background and his experience at BuyerZone, which includes so many great alumni
  • His experience at FlipKey, where they built a vacation rental marketplace
  • The aha moment behind Renoviso and their unique business model
  • Advice for first-time founders raising capital
  • Plus, a lot more!

Renoviso is hiring - click here for jobs.

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It’s hard to believe that this is our 40th episode! It’s been a blast interviewing so many great people in the tech industry. We have a great roster of guests coming up, but I want to make sure we’re giving our audience what they want. So, if there are any guests you’d like to hear the background story of, feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected]!

Keith Cline is the Founder of VentureFizz. Follow him on Twitter: @kcline6.