The VentureFizz Podcast: Aleksandr Yampolskiy - Co-Founder and CEO of SecurityScorecard banner image

The VentureFizz Podcast: Aleksandr Yampolskiy - Co-Founder and CEO of SecurityScorecard

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For the 120th episode of our podcast, I interviewed Aleksandr Yampolskiy, Co-Founder and CEO of SecurityScorecard.

It seems like there is a major data breach announcement every week these days. The most recent one being Capital One, where more than 100 million consumers had their personal information exposed.

The issues that affect consumers are the ones that generally make the news, but if you are a business, you’d probably want to make sure any other business you are working with has a secure environment. That’s where SecurityScorecard comes into play. They provide a security ratings platform, so that you are able to reduce your company’s risk and exposure. SecurityScorecard recently announced $50M in Series D funding.

In this episode of our podcast, we cover lots of topics, like:

  • Aleksandr’s background including his early interest in cybersecurity.
  • His experience leading security operations at leading companies and his career path to a Chief Information Security Officer position.
  • What led him and his co-founder to start SecurityScorecard and all the details behind the company.
  • The most common security issues that companies are dealing with these days.
  • What we can be doing as consumers to help keep our information safe.
  • And so much more!

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Keith Cline is the Founder of VentureFizz. Follow him on Twitter: @kcline6.

About the

SecurityScorecard helps enterprises gain operational command of their security posture and the security posture of their ecosystems through continuous, non-intrusive monitoring. 

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