
By: Samantha Costanzo Carleton | February 26, 2019
Samantha Costanzo Carleton sits down with SevenRooms ​Senior Vice President of Marketing Marybeth Sheppard to discuss Sheppard's career as well as how she manages stress, her favorite places in the New York City area, and more.
By: Brianne Shelley | March 28, 2018
Eliza Becton became an entrepreneur with a mission to help improve the environment. Becton shares her story with Brianne Shelley on how she came up with the idea for Bevi and the company's recent growth since Techstars Boston.
By: Brianne Shelley | November 8, 2017
Jennifer Hogan Mahoney is the Customer Success Manager at SmartBear. Brianne Shelley interviewed Mahoney about her career and got to learn about all the companies she has been a part of, including one in Canada.
