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The VentureFizz Podcast: Alex Song - Founder and CEO at Innovation Department

For the 80th episode of our podcast, I interviewed Alex Song, Founder and CEO at Innovation Department.

Simply put, the Innovation Department is a company that builds companies. In their SoHo studio, their team of brand strategists, builders, marketers, and operators are focused on reducing the time to product-market fit and generating success as efficiently as possible. And they don’t just turn ideas into companies; they invest in them too.

The Innovation Department has incubated companies like DojoMojo (where Alex is also the CEO), WellPath, Wine Awesomeness, and others. Sample investments include well-known tech companies such as Lyft, Dropbox, Pinterest and more.

In this episode of our podcast, we cover lots of topics, like:

  • Alex’s background and what he learned from being an investment banker.
  • All about the Innovation Department and how their playbook helps them launch companies.
  • Lots of details on DojoMojo and how they are helping clients with customer acquisition efforts.
  • Advice on how to balance communicating with consumers and what he means by the 70/30% split between content and commerce.
  • His contrarian point of view on Amazon and why it is should be such an important part of a new brand’s strategy.
  • How Alex manages his time and how he structures his week.
  • Plus, a lot more.

You can listen to the podcast in the player below. To make sure you receive future episodes, please subscribe to us on iTunesGoogle PlayStitcherSpotify, or Soundcloud. If you enjoyed our show, please consider writing us a 5-star review—it will definitely help us get the word out there! 

Keith Cline is the Founder of VentureFizz. Follow him on Twitter: @kcline6.