Typically, employees will gather in our kitchen to eat lunch together before our weekly company meeting. We are still eating lunch 'together'. Here is this week's lunch crew! Similarly, everyone is still getting together virtually for weekly drinks, games, yoga, and meditation. (Say hi to Steph, Cam, Elijah, Rafal, Colin, Pierre, Kenny)
We created a #parenting-during-covid channel for those who are trying to balance working and parenting from home at the same time. It's been really great for sharing tips, celebrating small victories, and some good old-fashioned venting. Shout out to all the moms, dads, and guardians working double time! (Thanks for the giggle, Tina!)
While on the topic of channels.. we also created a #goodnews channel. This has been a really popular one. In this uncertain time we thought there should be a space designated strictly for good news. Whether it's professional, personal, a hopeful article or a witnessed act of kindness -- if it's good news, our employees are sharing it there.