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How To Actually Make Your Resolutions Stick in 2018

As we cross into each new year, countless numbers of people wait until January 1st to tackle those things on their to-do list they just never seem to accomplish.  For some reason, with the dawn of the new year, we seem to feel better motivated to take on some better version of ourselves. Whether it’s setting new financial budgets, learning something new, or finally shedding those extra pounds, many people rally around self-improvement as a goal.

And yet, think about the resolutions you’ve made over the years.  How long did you stick with it?  Did you accomplish what you set out to do?  As we begin 2018, read below for a handful of ideas to help you increase the odds of your own personal success for the long haul.

“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act.  There is no other route to success.” - Pablo Picasso

We all understand actually setting a goal is a key component of being able to accomplish it, but increase your odds by selecting bite-size, specific goals that add up to your larger, ultimate one.  For example, if your goal is to save $3,000 this year, that can seem rather overwhelming when you contemplate where you are going to cut back on, etc.  However, if you instead set the goal of “I’m going to save $58 a week,” it’s amazing how fast that can add up.  A few less trips to Starbucks, bring your lunch to work two or three days a week, and bam!  You are well on your way to that bigger goal. Once you get into the rhythm and your new behaviors become habit, you will likely find yourself ready to take on even more aggressive goals.

“I get by with a little help from my friends.” - Ringo Starr

It can be somewhat intimidating to take on a big new challenge in front of others; for some reason for many people, we think going it alone makes us less vulnerable in case we ultimately fail.  And yet, ample studies indicate that by investing in a support system for whatever it is we are trying to accomplish, we significantly increase our odds of success.  Find someone - a friend, co-worker, family member, etc. who shares a similar goal and use each other for accountability and support.  

“You can never protect yourself 100%. What you do is protect yourself as much as possible and mitigate risk to an acceptable degree. You can never remove all risk”. - Kevin Mitnick

Kevin was right, though he was speaking in terms of information security.  While you can’t safeguard yourself from everything, you CAN protect yourself by being thoughtful about who and what you surround yourself with.  If you aim to lose weight, rid your home of foods that will tempt.  If your goal is to tackle new project work in the office in hopes of being considered for promotion, perhaps consider bolstering your relationships with people who can help you accomplish this versus those who are just fun to hang out with. In other words, stack the deck in your favor; the more you create an environment that will support your success, the more likely a positive outcome.

“I'm not perfect; no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. I think you try to learn from those mistakes” - Derek Jeter

He’s right; no one is perfect.  Searching for perfection is an exercise in futility, so instead, go for “your very best effort.” Anytime we tackle a new goal, we are going to make some missteps.  Focus on resilience and rather than beat yourself up, focus on forgiving yourself and resolve to get back on track.  It’s all about progress, not perfection.

We all have aspirations, and sometimes we underestimate how challenging it can be to take on a big new goal.  By taking it step by step, surrounding yourself with supportive people and environment, and being kind to yourself along the way, you are well on your way to making 2018 the year you actually crush those resolutions!

Christina Luconi is Chief People Officer for Rapid7. Follow her on Twitter: @peopleinnovator.