First Computers - A Nostalgic Look Back From Boston Tech Leaders banner image

First Computers - A Nostalgic Look Back From Boston Tech Leaders

Your first computer is like your first car: you never forget it. Mine was a 2006 Acer laptop that I used as my first window into high-speed Internet. It was nothing special, but it was mine. It's worth noting that I was born in 1994 - a time and place where computers could be taken for granted. Others, like many of Boston's leaders in tech, are from an earlier time, when desktop computers were a completely new thing for consumers.

For this article, we wanted to take a trip down memory lane with some of Boston's founders, investors, and executives. We asked them two simple questions:

  1. What was your first computer?
  2. What did you use it for?

You can find their responses in the slideshow below.

We also want to ask you the same questions. What kind of computer did you have? What did you use if for? Click here to let us know!

Computer photos via Wikipedia or