The VentureFizz Podcast: Matt Polega - Co-Founder and Head of Marketing of Mark43 banner image

The VentureFizz Podcast: Matt Polega - Co-Founder and Head of Marketing of Mark43

For the 150th episode of our podcast, I interviewed Matt Polega, Co-Founder and Head of Marketing of Mark43.

Modern advancements in technology have impacted almost every industry, but there are still some areas that might not be modernized. As we discuss in this podcast, Matt and his co-founders found one of those industries that was ripe for disruption while at Harvard and that is the public safety sector.

Based on the important role that first responder, law enforcement, and public safety professionals play in our lives, you would think they would be leveraging state of the art technology to make their jobs more efficient and effective. However, this wasn’t the case and Mark43 is building a company to solve this issue with a modern, cloud-native platform for dispatch, records, evidence, and analytics.

In this episode of our podcast, we cover:

  • Matt’s background and how a class at Harvard led him and his co-founders down the path of starting a company.
  • All of the details on Mark43 and how the company is building a modern tech platform for public safety professionals.
  • How Mark43 was able to land a who’s who list of notable investors. 
  • The ways that Mark43 has been successful with PR initiatives.
  • And more!

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Keith Cline is the Founder of VentureFizz. Follow him on Twitter: @kcline6.