The VentureFizz Podcast: Bryanne Leeming - Founder and CEO of Unruly Studios banner image

The VentureFizz Podcast: Bryanne Leeming - Founder and CEO of Unruly Studios

For the 121st episode of our podcast, I interviewed Bryanne Leeming, Founder and CEO of Unruly Studios.

I am always fascinated with entrepreneurs who are launching physical products. There is such a greater level of complexity and ultimately risk behind their business. You have to design the product, get it manufactured, and then sold, which is also very challenging in terms of figuring out which sales channel is going to get your product in the hands of consumers. Do you go direct with an eCommerce model, sell to retailers, or figure out a B2B2C business model. There is so much that goes into it.

Bryanne Leeming’s company, Unruly Studios, is taking this challenge head-on with a product that is very cool, different, and needed. Unruly Splats are the company’s first product and it teaches kids critical STEM skills while being active and having fun all at the same time.

In this episode of our podcast, we cover lots of topics, like:

  • All about Bryanne’s background including her first jobs and the decision to go back to business school.
  • The story of how Unruly Studios came to be, and how they named the company.
  • Her experience building hardware and how she went about getting feedback on the product.
  • All the details on Unruly Splats in terms of how kids play with it and what they learn.
  • Her experience creating a successful Kickstarter campaign and what channels have been effective for sales.
  • Advice for entrepreneurs trying to build and bring a physical product to market.
  • And so much more.

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Keith Cline is the Founder of VentureFizz. Follow him on Twitter: @kcline6.