Vote Now for the Hottest NY Startup! December VentureFizz Spark Award banner image

Vote Now for the Hottest NY Startup! December VentureFizz Spark Award

Our monthly Spark Award recognizes the hottest tech companies across the NY tech scene and the best part... the winner is decided by YOU - our audience. 

Teampay was last month's winner! Click here to check out their BIZZpage and job openings.

We have a highly curated selection of five companies that we believe are innovative and the ones to watch in the NY Tech scene. It's up to you to determine the winner from one of these nominees: Tend, Cover Genius, Eight Sleep, Healthify, and CoinList. Further below is some additional information about each company.

The winner will get recognized as a Spark Award winner and they will also get a free 6-month BIZZpage subscription to help out with their hiring plans!

Voting has closed! We'll announce the winner soon!

Tend Logo


Dental care used to be just about your teeth. We make it about your entire wellbeing. With doctors you love, technology that eases, and an environment that soothes, we turn every moment of your visit into a whole-you wellness experience. Before, the best you could hope for was “You won’t feel a thing.” At Tend, we want you to feel something great.

Cover Genius Logo

Cover Genius is a global insurance technology company with offices in New York, London and Sydney. Our vision is to protect all customers of the world's largest online companies.

Eight Sleep Logo

Eight Sleep is the first sleep fitness company. Eight leverages innovation, technology and personal biometrics to restore individuals to their peak energy levels each morning. Backed by leading Silicon Valley investors including Khosla Ventures and Y Combinator, it was named by Fast Company in 2018 as one of the Most Innovative Companies in Consumer Electronics.

Healthify Logo

Healthify’s mission is to build a world where no one’s health is hindered by their need. By building infrastructures to formalize relationships between healthcare and community-based organizations, Healthify brings its partners one step closer to closing the health equity gaps in their communities.

Coinlist logo

CoinList is where the best crypto projects in the world raise capital and grow their communities. Through our token sale platform, we've helped projects like Filecoin, Blockstack, and Algorand raise over $500 million. Through our community-building tools, we've helped projects like DFINITY, 0x, and Dapper Labs (makers of CryptoKitties) engage developers and crypto enthusiasts. We are backed by top-tier investors, have offices in SF and NY, and are just getting started.

Keith Cline is the Founder of VentureFizz. Follow him on Twitter: @kcline6.