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Episode 336: Julia Rodgers – CEO, & Co-Founder of HelloPrenup

Episode 336 of The VentureFizz Podcast features Julia Rodgers, Esq., CEO & Co-Founder of HelloPrenup, a platform that takes the awkwardness out of discussing and creating prenuptial agreements.

This is the 3rd and final podcast interview from my live sessions at Suffolk University with 3 alums that being Don Bulens, Ernesto DiGiambattista, and Julia Rodgers.

Some of the best entrepreneurs that I have interviewed for this podcast have either bootstrapped or raised a very, very minimal amount of capital to build their company in the early years. If you are successful with this approach, there are many benefits including the fact that you will have likely built a solid foundation for your business and if you do decide to raise capital to help fuel the growth, you’ll have a lot more control over the terms.

As you’ll hear from this interview, Julia has raised only $150,000 total. She started working on HelloPrenup while working a fulltime job. This would involve working with the developer on the initial build of the product while also writing 1,200 word blog posts daily about prenups.  This is a true foundational story of entrepreneurship and why I love doing this podcast.

In this episode of our podcast, we cover:

  • Julia’s background story and her experience as an attorney in family law.
  • The industry trend that prompted her to start a business around prenups, a topic that has a history of being taboo between couples.
  • All the details about HelloPrenup including how she met her co-founder, Sarabeth Jaffe.
  • A deep dive into their appearance on ABC’s Shark Tank and their successful investment from Kevin O’Leary and Nirav Tolia, the Founder of Nextdoor.
  • Why she hasn’t raised institutional venture capital funding to date.
  • How she has approached hiring for the team and found people who are passionate about their business.
  • Advice for female founders and the power of networking.
  • And so much more.