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6 Tips on How To Speak in Public Like a Boss

I speak at events frequently, and always find myself spending more time observing and learning from the other speakers around me to strengthen my own style. Fear of public speaking has long been acknowledged as one of the biggest fears in the world, but there are ways to overcome it. Whether you desire to speak on a big stage or just want to get a little more comfortable speaking up in a meeting, read on for a few hints to help bolster your confidence and have you speaking like a boss in no time.


Think about the best stories you’ve ever heard.  They are engaging and typically there is a lesson embedded in them. We all have a story to tell; the trick is to connect with your audience on it.  Is it relatable? Does it make a point? Do you have supporting visuals to drive that point home? (think Powerpoint or other graphics).


Presentations can be great, and you might have the world’s best animations to support your talk track. However, nothing loses an audience faster than when a speaker reads their presentation line by line. Be sure to practice and understand your key messages, rather than relying on reading what the audience can read for themselves. Think of your slides as supporting documentation to the big messages you are trying to hit.  


If you’ve practiced enough and feel confident with your material, hopefully you’ll be in a position to edit on the fly based on audience reaction.  Are they leaning in? Nodding their heads? Appearing engaged? Fantastic! If they aren’t, take a deep breath and regroup. Find a smiling face and focus on regaining your energy from them.  If you are feeling good, it will show, and people are more likely to connect.


Often people try to enhance their stories with the inclusion of an abundance of facts, statistics, and quotes. While that can add some interesting credibility, don’t rely just on the recitation of other people’s data.  Be sure to add in your own perspective, experience and point of view. When you bring your authenticity into the mix, it aids in the connection to your audience. Know yourself and your style, and use that to your advantage. If you are really funny, add humor. If you aren’t, move around the stage a bit to keep people engaged.  When you are authentic and bring the energy, you’ll find the connection.


Perhaps you feel well rehearsed and comfortable sharing your prepared remarks. Then someone asks you a question, and you are forced to think on your feet and share something seemingly intelligent.  If people are feeling brave enough to ask, it’s an indication your message has landed with them. If you get stuck, own it, and say, “Let me think about that a little and circle back to you.” And then do. Think of questions as an opportunity to go even deeper in a less formal way.


Speaking in public can be scary for a reason; you are putting yourself out in front of others hoping to land a message. It takes practice to feel comfortable and to gain competency in delivering with impact. Take advantage of asking for feedback about what went well - and not so well - from people who listened.  Ask a trusted friend/colleague to tape you, and watch it back. (Yes, you’ll likely cringe, but you’ll also likely learn some things to do and not do next time). Speaking up is all about continuous learning; don’t be afraid to keep practicing and working on getting better.

Christina Luconi is Chief People Officer for Rapid7. Follow her on Twitter: @peopleinnovator