Inspirational profiles of women in
leadership roles in the tech scene.

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Lead(H)er Profile - Cristina Hernandez, Chief Diversity Officer at Synopsys

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Our Lead(H)er series features impressive women leaders in the tech industry. In this Q&A, we are featuring Cristina Hernandez, Chief Diversity Officer at Synopsys.

Where did you grow up and how would you describe yourself as a child?

I was born in Phoenix, AZ, but grew up in Colorado where my family moved when I was a year old. I remember being a happy child (lots of smiling pictures!), yet it’s probably being driven and organized that would stand out to others. I spent a lot of time performing – I played piano for over 10 years and sang in the choir. My mom ran a center for senior citizens, so my siblings and I all volunteered a lot. I really loved helping other people.

What did you study in college and what was your first job out of school?

I studied US history and went directly to law school after college, so my first job out of school was as a lawyer in Boston. I was a litigation associate and jumped right in the field to learn as much as I could.

Can you share the details of your career path and what were the critical moments that got you where you are today?

For the first few years of my career, I just put my head down and worked as hard as I could learning about and practicing law. Mentors and colleagues played a very important role early in my career. I learned many valuable lessons from them -- including the importance of relationships to professional growth and success and why it’s critical to value each person you work with no matter their role. The people around me really cared about me, encouraged me, and gave honest feedback that helped me grow. I try now to pay it forward!

These relationships really helped me when I decided to change careers after over 15 years practicing law. I was a successful lawyer and decided to move to California for personal reasons. I started calling people for advice on what my next career step should be. One of those people was the inclusion and diversity author and speaker Vernā Myers, who is my mentor and friend. She encouraged me to start doing work to support organizations that prioritize diversity and strive to be more inclusive. One thing led to another, and now I have been doing this work for over 10 years. I was first a consultant with Vernā, then a founding member of the Inclusion Strategy team at Netflix, and now Chief Diversity Officer at Synopsys.

What is your current role and responsibilities? 

I am the Chief Diversity Officer at Synopsys, a silicon to systems design solutions company. I have the great privilege of partnering with our leaders and employees around the world to create an inclusive culture that supports an incredibly diverse workplace – a key to advance our innovation and remain an industry leader. I started in this role in February 2023 and really enjoy working here.

For people who are looking to be in a similar position, what advice would you give to others in terms of helping them achieve their career goals?

Everyone I know who wants to work in diversity, equity, and inclusion cares deeply about people – that is so important, as is digging in and learning about what it really takes to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. It is not easy, particularly because you will make mistakes (we all do!). Having the courage to acknowledge when we make mistakes, work to learn and change from them, and move forward is critical. There is a reason we call this a journey: we are always learning and growing.

What are the most important skills that you need to do your job well?

Listening. Being open to being wrong. Humility. Courage. Caring. Tenacity. And I think for those who work in larger organizations, we must be organizational masterminds (or have one on your team!), so we can figure out where we can change things to make things better for more people. 

What do you find most interesting about your work? What is the most challenging?

The most interesting part of my work is learning about other people – their culture, stories, backgrounds, what makes them unique.

The most challenging part of my work is that change at larger organizations can take time – which calls for persistence and flexibility.

Are you involved with any professional organizations outside of the company? Volunteer work?

I am a member of several organizations of professionals who work in diversity, equity, and inclusion and learn so much from these brilliant people. I also love the arts – I sing in a choir and am a member of the board of The Pasadena Playhouse (the State Theater of California).

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Lead(H)er Profile - Virginia Satrom, Sr. Director, Marketing & Communications at Onapsis banner image

Lead(H)er Profile - Virginia Satrom, Sr. Director, Marketing & Communications at Onapsis

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Our Lead(H)er series features impressive women leaders in the tech industry. In this Q&A, we are featuring Virginia Satrom, Sr. Director, Marketing & Communications at Onapsis.

Where did you grow up and how would you describe yourself as a child? 

I grew up in Massachusetts and I would describe myself as a very inquisitive and energetic child. I enjoyed school and loved playing team sports.

Virginia Satrom Onapsis

What did you study in college and what was your first job out of school?

I studied Marketing & Psychology at University of Massachusetts Amherst. My first job out of school was working for a large cybersecurity company as an intern. I was hired full time as a channel marketer at that same company after completing my internship for a few months. 

Can you share the details on your career path and what were the critical moments that got you to where you are today?

Starting out in channel marketing gave me a tremendous advantage working in the cybersecurity space. Truly understanding how most technology and SaaS companies leverage their distributors, partners, and overall strategy partner ecosystem was invaluable to help me understand the broader organization. There was also a lot of opportunity to make my role what I wanted it to be from enablement bootcamps, to email marketing, to in-person advisory councils, and even virtual kickoff meetings specifically designed for our partners. Having that background, I was able to find a role at another cybersecurity company after moving to Austin, Texas focusing on social media. There I was able to hone my writing skills, launch an employee engagement app, serve as a core team member throughout a massive rebrand, and even dive into PR a bit. From there, I knew I wanted to gain some strong demand generation experience, so I landed at a company where I could focus on expanding in international markets. This led to taking on more responsibility for channel marketing and customer marketing. Here is where I grew to appreciate customer insights as an invaluable marketing resource. After building my career around those key functional areas, I had my sights set on a smaller company where I could use all of the skills I’d learned day to day as a marketing leader. Since then, I have been seeking out roles where I can be a ‘player-coach’ and use both my creativity and my organization to make an impact.

Virginia Satrom Onapsis

What is your current role and responsibilities?

My current role and responsibilities cover a few different aspects of the marketing department, including: our communications strategy, managing global PR with our agencies, proactive and reactive external communications. I also am directly responsible for our social media strategy and day-to-day execution, which is where I am able to be creative and experiment with new ideas and mini campaigns. My team also manages our brand, design, and website (which we recently revamped!) Finally, my team is also responsible for our paid and organic digital strategy including SEO, paid ads, and paid social. 

Looking back, is this where you thought you’d be professionally?  Was it always your goal to be in this position?

Like most children of my generation, I wanted to be a songwriter and pop star. (Or was that just me?) So, yes and no. Once I decided that marketing was my ultimate career path, I knew I wanted to be able to be creative, hands-on, have a true impact on an organization, and lead a team. I absolutely believe in manifesting and going after your goals until you make it happen. I see myself as a strong demand generation marketer which I typically have gravitated to lately, but have grown to embrace the communications and creative side again with my current role. I’m excited to do it all!

For people who are looking to be in a similar position, what advice would you give to others in terms of helping them achieve their career goals?

One of the best pieces of advice that I ever received early in my career was saying ‘yes’ and raising your hand for new challenges and opportunities within your team and company. It is a delicate balance to make sure you are able to do your role and do it well, but always jump at developing a skill set. The best way to learn, for me, is by doing. Building your skill set organically helps you learn what you do and don’t necessarily enjoy doing, and also helps make you an invaluable resource at your company.

What are the most important skills that you need to do your job well?

The most important skill in a smaller company is definitely the ability to pivot and shift priorities. It could seem like two ‘small’ things in the broad range of skills a person can have within marketing, but it is critical as a ‘player-coach’. Based on my start-up experience with companies of varied sizes, there is always a ton of work to go around with limited resources. Making sure you are aligned with the overall business goals and keep referring back to your priorities will help you not be overwhelmed and ensure you have the maximum impact with your efforts.

Another core skill that comes to mind is knowing when and how to take feedback. Marketing as a whole is one of those functions that unless you’ve done it, seems ‘easy’ or can be perceived as the ‘fluffy’ area of a business. Standing firm in your knowledge and insights when changes are proposed or saying that the battle is not worth fighting is a huge asset to do a job like this well. Bringing data to the table, whether it is A/B testing or lead metrics on a given program, is also something that I have prepared on-hand for any crucial conversations about priorities as well.

What do you find most interesting/rewarding about your work?  What’s the most challenging?

The most interesting and rewarding part of my work is being involved with our Customer Advisory Board. As I mentioned, being able to hear directly from and meet with customers is an invaluable asset to build your knowledge and also utilize those insights to form new concepts for campaigns and programs.

A very close second would be working with our Onapsis Research Labs team. The research that they do and the skills they leverage to help our customers is nothing short of impressive. Seeing how they incorporate their research into our products and showcase their expertise is one of my favorite things to do. We recently revamped a series called The Defenders Digest, which is always the highlight of my month.

Like many cybersecurity organizations, the most challenging part of the role can be finding the right balance between creating urgency and not instilling fear. We want to ensure organizations and the humans they support are protected, and we also want to make sure we aren’t ‘ambulance chasing.’ We always want to be helpful, not create fear.

What is your proudest professional accomplishment?

My proudest moment professionally has been doing three rebrands within my career. It takes a village and so much organization to pull it off and the pay off is so tangible. 

Another proud moment for me was the massive pivot my organization at the time had to do from in-person events to virtual events initially during early 2020. It really tested our team’s creativity given that in-person events were simply not an option. We developed rapid, emerging threat briefings that had a tremendous impact on our marketing goals and pipeline creation. 

Are you involved with any professional organizations outside of the company? Volunteer work?

Since I just recently moved across the country, I haven’t been as involved in organizations as I’d like to be. That being said, Cybersecurity Marketing Society is close to my heart and I am looking forward to getting involved with the local animal rescue shelters!


What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

My free time mostly consists of reading, writing, watercolor painting, pottery, and screen printing–to name a few. Traveling as much as I can is always at the top of my list too.

Virginia Satrom Onapsis

How do you manage stress?

To manage stress, I usually like to take a walk with my dog, do a cycling class, or meditate.

How many cups of coffee do you have in a day?

On a typical day, I have two shots of espresso first thing in the morning. If I drink more than that, the caffeine starts to use its powers for evil.

Any book or podcast recommendations? 

Most recently, I read The Final Girl Support Group and I Have Some Questions For You–I could not put either of them down. I also love Huberman Lab & Crime Junkie podcasts.

What advice do you have for recent college graduates?

You don’t have to have everything figured out right away. Find a place to land where you can learn and absorb everything in a role or industry that interests you. So many things will not go as planned, so being able to adapt and pivot will save you a lot of stress and anxiety (easier said than done!) I also highly recommend finding a mentor (formally or informally) that can be a resource for advice, recommendations, and networking.

About the

Onapsis protects the business-critical applications that power the global economy including SAP®, Oracle® and leading SaaS providers. Onapsis proudly serves more than 300 of the world’s leading brands including 20% of the Fortune 100 and partners with leading consulting and audit firms.

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Lead(H)er Profile – Marisa Cunniffe, Director Software Engineering at Vestmark banner image

Lead(H)er Profile – Marisa Cunniffe, Director Software Engineering at Vestmark

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Our Lead(H)er series features impressive women leaders in the tech industry. In this Q&A, we are featuring Marisa Cunniffe, Director Software Engineering at Vestmark.

Where did you grow up and how would you describe yourself as a child?

I grew up in Boston, MA.  As a child, I was curious by nature.  I loved to read and understand how things worked.  In elementary school, math was always my favorite subject.  In high school, I had the opportunity to take Computer Science classes and quickly realized that solving problems using code was something I enjoyed and excelled at.

What did you study in college and what was your first job out of school?

In college, I decided to stick with coding and graduated with a degree in Computer Science.  I attended a college that required co-ops.  I was lucky enough to get a co-op opportunity in FinTech that turned into a full-time job once I graduated.  

Can you share the details on your career path and what were the critical moments that got you to where you are today?

I have worked in FinTech since college.  I started my career as a Software Developer.  After about 10 years of coding, I decided I wanted to take on more responsibility and began my journey into management.  I had always been drawn to making sure that the product we delivered to clients met their expectations.  As a manager, I was able to interact with more teams outside of Engineering and understand better the successes and challenges that the software brought them and our clients.  As the years went by, my focus started to move towards delivering Quality software and that led to more leadership opportunities with Release and Quality Engineering focused teams.  

What is your current role and responsibilities?

Today I lead Quality Engineering for Vestmark which encompasses supporting, testing, and releasing quality software products to our clients.

For people who are looking to be in a similar position, what advice would you give to others in terms of helping them achieve their career goals?

I think the most important advice I would give is to trust your team and delegate.  When moving into leadership roles, you must admit to yourself that you can’t do everything yourself.  You need to have a solid team that you trust and delegate to them.

What are the most important skills that you need to do your job well?

The most important skills I have found are patience and empathy.  The willingness to listen to others and see things from other points of view are important skills for anyone in leadership.  

What do you find most interesting/rewarding about your work?  What’s the most challenging?

I’ve always felt rewarded when our customers are happy with the software we provide to them.  The challenges can come from the same scenario when the customer is not happy, either because we introduced defects or other challenges they experience.

Are you involved with any professional organizations outside of the company? Volunteer work?

I am currently enrolled in the Executive IQ program at The Money Management Institute.  This is a great opportunity that is helping to increase my self-awareness and strengthen my leadership skills.


What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

In my free time, I like to spend time with my husband and kids.  Chauffeuring my kids to where they need to go, cheering them on at their games, and helping them with school is what takes up most of my free time.  Outside of this I enjoy traveling when I can, going to concerts and watching sports.

How do you manage stress?

When I’m feeling stressed, I like to take a long walk.  Either outside or when the weather isn’t cooperating, I’ll go to the gym.  This will usually clear my mind and allow me to re-focus.

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Vestmark is a leading provider of portfolio management/trading solutions and outsourced services for financial institutions and their advisors, enabling them to efficiently manage and trade customized client portfolios through an innovative SaaS platform. 

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Lead(H)er Profile - Carisa Raucci, VP Clinical Operations at NuvoAir banner image

Lead(H)er Profile - Carisa Raucci, VP Clinical Operations at NuvoAir

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Our Lead(H)er series features impressive women leaders in the tech industry. In this Q&A, we are featuring Carisa Raucci, VP Clinical Operations at NuvoAir.

Where did you grow up and how would you describe yourself as a child?

I split my time between northern Rhode Island and El Paso, TX. We moved a lot as a kid but I was deep into the sports scene, so I always felt like I had instant family wherever I went. I played soccer and basketball which kept me quite busy with travel and competitive leagues. I was always an overachiever and thought doing well in school was my best chance for success later in life. 

Carisa Raucci NuvoAir

What did you study in college and what was your first job out of school?

I was a biology and pre-med major in college and minored in kinesiology. I always knew I wanted to work in healthcare so I became an athletic training student in an effort to gain patient care hours but also stay in the sports world that I knew so well. That led me to an amazing internship and my first full time position with the Spurs Sports and Entertainment franchise. I was one of the equipment managers and athletic trainers for their AHL, WNBA, and NBA teams. 

Can you share the details on your career path and what were the critical moments that got you to where you are today?

Like many others, I took a very non-traditional path to where I am now. I spent about 15 years in the sports medicine setting doing direct patient care in a variety of places and settings around the world. 

I was always very interested in the why and the operations behind healthcare. After completing my PhD in Health Behavior and Health Education, with an emphasis on brain injury management, I was recruited to help start a multidisciplinary concussion center. This was a pivotal moment in my career, because I was tasked with building not only a practice, but a multidisciplinary team, from the ground up. It was in this role that I was pushed outside of my comfort zone and had to become the “jack of all trades”. I had to build community partnerships, oversee a multimillion dollar P&L, recruit world-renowned specialists, and navigate the insurance and compliance landscape. This moment was also pivotal for me as I began my journey down the path of providing telemedicine services for those in rural communities needing urgent access to care. I do credit my graduate work on helping me transition from a direct patient care path to one in operations and leadership. 

From that moment, I knew that telemedicine was going to be a vital component of US healthcare. My next position was with Iris Telehealth to really augment my understanding and responsibilities in the virtual care space. I was the 9th hire in that organization, responsible for clinical operations including licensing, credentialing, provider and client relations, compliance, Joint Commission accreditation, and clinical workflows and implementation for a variety of settings. This was another pivotal role in my career because once again I found myself learning as we were building. In a course of three years, we became the largest solely psychiatry telemedicine provider in the US. That level of scale is difficult to describe but also something I would recommend to anyone looking to get a crash course and deep dive into your field of interest. 

My next stop on my journey was with an AI company, Diligent Robotics. I knew I wanted more experience in the technology sector and what better way to accomplish that than working with autonomous delivery robots in the hospital setting? This was also an incredible journey for me as I was able to work side by side with some of the best and brighter roboticists in the world. This experience gave me a deep understanding of how product and engineering teams work to enable a level of sophistication and automation that I am passionate about leveraging in healthcare. 

This brings me to my most current position at NuvoAir, virtual based cardiopulmonary care. All of my past experiences have led me to truly understand the start-up environment where healthcare and technology merge at the center of the patient experience. 

What is your current role and responsibilities?

I am the Vice President of Clinical Operations at NuvoAir in which I oversee the clinical services including member experience and quality of care. I work hand in hand with our product and engineering teams to develop world-class care while leveraging technology and automation. 

Looking back, is this where you thought you’d be professionally?  Was it always your goal to be in this position?

I did not, for many years I thought I would go on to be a Sports Medicine physician. Throughout my experiences though, I learned that I could make a much bigger impact on patients, especially around high quality and access to care, in operations roles. It has been exciting and rewarding to follow the opportunities and meet amazing people along the way. 

For people who are looking to be in a similar position, what advice would you give to others in terms of helping them achieve their career goals?

I have a few thoughts on this: 

  1. Don’t be afraid to jump in and learn as you go. It’s easy to say I’m not trained for that, or that is out of my comfort zone, but the reward for hard work and pushing yourself is so worth it! Be flexible and open to new situations as you never know where it might take you. Also, always be thinking about how your current skills can be translated into the job you want. 
  2. Show up! One of the hardest things I’ve found is to continuously show up day in and day out. When times are tough, when you don’t have all the answers, when the budget isn’t there, don’t let that stop you. One of the best qualities in a leader is to continue to be there for your teams even if you don’t have all the answers. 
  3. Find a mentor. Mentees are 5x more likely to be promoted than those without a mentor. Also, you are never too old or experienced to have a mentor. Find someone who has been in your shoes and will push you when you need it. 

What do you find most interesting/rewarding about your work? 

Working for NuvoAir is energizing as it allows me to be at the forefront of innovative healthcare solutions. The ability to provide remote and personalized care to patients and leveraging technology to enhance cardiopulmonary services, is not only professionally gratifying but also contributes significantly to improving accessibility and patient outcomes. 

What is your proudest professional accomplishment?

Helping scale a self-funded business from the ground up to one of the largest in its industry was my proudest professional accomplishment. We were able to seamlessly provide over 100,000 psychiatry visits annually in a very short ramp up period. 

Are you involved with any professional organizations outside of the company? Volunteer work?

I have been a volunteer for Siguiendo los Pasos de Jesus (SPJ) since the late ‘90s. SPJ is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization which assists hardworking families who reside in the colonias of Juarez, Mexico. Each family has at least one working parent and yet still lack basic essentials. SPJ strives to build sustainable communities by supporting families with homes, jobs, education, medical and dental clinics, food, a market, a community center, a church, and a library.


What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I have three main hobbies. I enjoy renovating homes and would flip homes in another life if I could! Sweating pipes, laying cable, you name it and I love doing it. I also love college and pro football, baseball, and basketball and talking about it with others. My other hobby is collecting Lego. We have three generations in our family who are all avid collectors and builders.

Carisa Raucci Nuvoair

How do you manage stress?

I love to be outside when I am stressed. A bit of fresh air and sunlight do wonders for me.

How many cups of coffee do you have in a day?

Zero! I’ve been caffeine free for about 8 months now, although I miss it every single day and have slipped occasionally too.  

Any book or podcast recommendations? 

I have a few professional book favorites: 

  1. Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking - Malcolm Gladwell
  2. Unreasonable Hospitality - Will Guidara
  3. Good to Great - Jim Collins
  4. Zero to One - Peter Thiel

What advice do you have for recent college graduates?

Find a great mentor. Studies show that those with reliable mentors do much better in their careers and are far happier and more confident.

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NuvoAir is a virtual healthcare provider that’s changing the way heart and lung conditions are diagnosed, monitored and managed.

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18 Inspirational Women Leaders in Tech banner image

18 Inspirational Women Leaders in Tech

Our Lead(H)er series shares the stories of women leaders at some of the fastest-growing companies in the tech industry.

Here is a recap featuring the 18 inspirational stories from 2023 with a short segment from each profile. You'll learn everything from the challenges, successes, and surprises of their careers, lots of useful advice, and more!

Caitlin Moore Cohere Health






Caitlin Moore, SVP of Strategic Accounts at Cohere Health.

"Making connections across the industry you’re interested in is critical. My path to my current role at Cohere involved a huge number of networking conversations and exploring a lot of different opportunities. Talking to people is immensely helpful in understanding what’s out there and what you want to do. In my case, each of the previous roles I held helped me learn more about what I want and need to be happy and successful in a role. Networking conversations with others really helped refine this further."

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Phoebe (Hearn) Smith Attensi






Phoebe Smith, Delivery Director at Attensi

"Remember that you own your career - you are in the driving seat. My key piece of advice would be to take the time to understand yourself, your strengths and focuses, and align those to what’s needed for where you want to be. Then, push yourself on the goals that you’re avoiding! The scariest goals really are the most satisfying to achieve, and they are what will push you towards the next step in your career. I recommend working with others on these – peers, managers, mentors - both to hold yourself to account and, importantly, for their advice and support."

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Carrie Moser Lakeside






Carrie Moser, SVP & General Counsel at Lakeside Software

"It’s ok to end up somewhere else. There’s no single path. There’s no secret recipe. Allow yourself to be surprised. Permit yourself some mistakes. Nobody learns much from the wins."

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Jaclyn Balben Bamboo Health






Jaclyn Balben, SVP, Operations at Bamboo Health

"My team. I am proud and humbled to be able to lead and be a part of the Operations team at Bamboo Health. We have amazing individuals who are passionate about what they do, push for excellence, and care deeply about our mission. I take great pride in the opportunity to help others reach their full potential and dedicate significant time and effort to building our culture and supporting my team."

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Jessica Haas Appcues






Jessica Haas, VP of CX at Appcues.

"Have an open mind and be open to trying and doing as many things as you can. Whether you like something or not, you’ll gain life experiences and learn about yourself.  Bonus! Find a mentor that will challenge you; they are so necessary and so wonderful!"

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Shannon Fitzpatrick Nayya






Shannon Fitzpatrick, VP of Product at Nayya

"Culture is critical: if you are curious, try to find a workplace where you will be surrounded by other curious people. If you are ambitious, you’ll be happier at a company that attracts motivated people who set a high bar for themselves (and you). Pick the people you want to work with and for, versus the job description.

You can never have enough feedback, from your champions, and from the people you find it hardest to work with. Great coaches are hard to find, so if you get lucky enough to work with one, keep in touch, even if one of you moves on to another company."

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Hayley Islas-Wolf Liaison International






Hayley Islas-Wolf, Regional Vice President at Liaison International

"It takes time to learn and master something.  Be humble, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, but learn from them.  I think the best piece of advice is make the mistake and then never do it again.  That is what will set you apart from the rest and enhance your career trajectory.  Also, the other piece of advice I would have is that so much for my early career I was looking for the greener grass.  Ultimately, what I learned is the grass was never greener at a company or institution, but what was important was have a good manager, a caring work environment and a place that at the end of the day is doing something you believe in."

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Stephanie White Duck Creek






Stephanie White, Senior VP Customer Success at Duck Creek Technologies.

"Never sacrifice what you believe in to achieve success.  You won’t be happy if you are not true to who you are."

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Debi Dowling Onapsis






Debi Dowling, SVP Business Operations and COS to CEO at Onapsis

"Never give up, always say ‘Yes’ to that additional task or project, put yourself out there - there are a LOT of people you will come across in your career that are making it up as they go! Stay strong, ask questions and be curious!"

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Monika Ochocki SmartBear






Monika Ochocki, Director of Customer Care at SmartBear.

"Never forget the hobby or hobbies you had before having to study and get a job. Having a great work-life balance helps you excel at work and helps you to stay motivated to keep working hard without the fear of burning out or feeling like you no longer have time for yourself. After working at a very fast-paced startup, I learned that work will always be there in the morning. Everything keeps moving and spinning if you take a week off, but time spent doing what you love and spending time with those you love won’t always be there."

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Shannon Rose  RGG






Shannon Rose, VP Omni-Channel Retailing at Rue Gilt Groupe.

"Be curious at all times, absorb as much as you can and take advantage of every leader you are exposed to."

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Annalisa Cooper Wellframe






Annalisa Cooper, SVP, Customer Success at Wellframe.

"Find your passion and stick with it.  Be brave and bold, but also kind.  Don’t underestimate the power of collaboration and humility."

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Ali Mapes Ordergroove






Ali Mapes, VP of Customer Success at Ordergroove

"Speak up and raise your hand! When in meetings, especially with leadership, don’t be afraid to use your voice. Be confident that you have a unique perspective or idea that should be shared with the group. You don’t have to be the smartest or loudest person in the room, but sharing your voice is powerful. After you share meaningful insights on a regular basis, people will seek you out."

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Olivia Salas Bullhorn






Olivia Salas, Sr. Director, Global Ops & SI Partnerships at Bullhorn.

"Never underestimate the importance of having a mentor(s) in your life. There will be many times in your career where you will need someone on your side to confide in, provide guidance, and challenge your thinking. Make sure that you are actively looking for and nurturing these relationships. I cannot tell you how much I have learned from the mentors in my life and how each of them have helped shape who I am today."

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Michele Doyle Advisor360






Michele Doyle, VP, Enterprise Data and Analytics at Advisor360°

"Find your people. There are folks out there who share the same excitement in your area of focus. You can learn a lot from them, and they make good mentors. 

Try new things. Take risks to try new things even if you think you can’t do them. You do not have to be defined by specific aspects of your role."

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Heather Bender HealthEdge






Heather Bender, Chief People Officer at HealthEdge

"First, it’s good to have a directional plan, but remain open and say “yes” when new opportunities emerge - even if it makes you uncomfortable.  If we are uncomfortable, we are learning.  In today’s world, you will stay relevant by continuously learning and being adaptable.  Second, follow your gut when it comes to selecting companies that align with your values."

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Melissa (Niementowski) Wainwright Alloy






Melissa Wainwright, Chief Operating Officer at Alloy Enterprises

"Take some risks and don’t stay in your comfort zone.  Some of my best experiences & stories come from when I didn’t take the safe road.  I definitely wouldn’t be where I am today if I had been afraid to fail or be uncomfortable."

Check out the full Article   View alloy enterprises' COMPANY PAGE

Cara Munnis Amwell






Cara Munnis, VP of Product Management at Amwell

"Be a good listener and ask for clarification if something doesn’t resonate - no matter your level, there is almost always more to learn either about the subject itself or about the perceptions of those with whom you are working."

Check out the full Article   View amwell's COMPANY PAGE

Lead(H)er Profile - Heather Bender, Chief People Officer at HealthEdge banner image

Lead(H)er Profile - Heather Bender, Chief People Officer at HealthEdge

Open Jobs Company Page

Our Lead(H)er series features impressive women leaders in the tech industry. In this Q&A, we are featuring Heather Bender, Chief People Officer at HealthEdge.

Where did you grow up and how would you describe yourself as a child?

I grew up in Baldwinsville, NY, which is a suburb of Syracuse.  I am an only child, so very early on, I was a bit more mature and independent than others. 

What did you study in college and what was your first job out of school?

I studied East Asian Studies and Economics in college, as I was fascinated by cultures outside the U.S.  I had a knack for languages and challenged myself to learn Japanese and spend a term abroad there. I was initially interested in pursuing an international business role, but then attended Cornell University and got a Master’s degree in Industrial & Labor Relations, which led me to a domestic entry level role in Human Resources at Hallmark Cards.  

Can you share the details on your career path and what were the critical moments that got you to where you are today?  

After being in a rotational program for new grads at Hallmark, I shifted to the high tech industry by taking a human resources role at Sun Microsystems.  Over 12 years there, I took on roles of increasing responsibility and ultimately, served in HR business partner roles supporting various direct reports of the CEO.  Upon the Oracle acquisition, I moved to Nokia, where I enjoyed a truly global experience in HR Business Partner roles for 5 years.  When Nokia spun off my business unit, I had an extraordinary opportunity to be part of building a new company, a new culture, and a new human resources function.  It was during this 5 year stint that I was given opportunities to expand my scope to include enterprise-wide functions such as performance and talent management, leadership, and HR Operations.  This was all in preparation for a CHRO role and led me to spend 2 years as the VP, Talent at iRobot, where I was mentored by a fabulous CHRO which ultimately prepared me for my current role as Chief People Officer at HealthEdge.  

What is your current role and responsibilities?

As the Chief People Officer at HealthEdge, I am ultimately responsible for ensuring the company has the right talent in place to achieve our growth mission.  I develop our people strategy and oversee the HR team including Total Rewards, Talent Acquisition, Internal Communications, Organizational Development, Talent & Learning, as well as Employee Experience. 

Looking back, is this where you thought you’d be professionally?  Was it always your goal to be in this position?

In the early part of my career, I only looked a role or two ahead and mid-career, I focused mostly on how to continue to grow my skills while balancing my desire to be a present wife and an involved mother to my three children. As the kids grew, I had some role models and mentors who encouraged me to develop myself for a CHRO role.  Thus, over the past few years, becoming a CHRO was a clear and stated goal for me.       

For people who are looking to be in a similar position, what advice would you give to others in terms of helping them achieve their career goals? 

First, it’s good to have a directional plan, but remain open and say “yes” when new opportunities emerge - even if it makes you uncomfortable.  If we are uncomfortable, we are learning.  In today’s world, you will stay relevant by continuously learning and being adaptable.  Second, follow your gut when it comes to selecting companies that align with your values.  While it may be difficult to turn down a great opportunity, if the people you are meeting, the stories they are telling, or other signals about the culture give you pause, don’t be afraid to walk away - another great opportunity will emerge.  Don’t settle. 

What are the most important skills that you need to do your job well?

In my role, the ability to influence and collaborate are critical, as is the courage to address uncomfortable topics, understand multiple points of view, and help facilitate solutions.  In addition, running a People organization requires an ability to articulate the business value of your programs to secure support and investment in the employee experience.  The ability to drive performance and growth of the company ultimately rests with our ability to attract, retain and develop talent. 

What do you find most interesting/rewarding about your work?  What’s the most challenging?

At all of my past companies, I have really worked with some extraordinary people, who I’ve enjoyed partnering with and learning from.  That is what makes work interesting and motivates me. I approach my work by assuming good intent from others, and I often find myself trying to facilitate people through difficult conversation or situations where there is a lack of understanding, misinterpretation or bad assumptions.  The most challenging aspect for me is working with people who don’t assume good intent and/or don’t practice with good intent.  Equally frustrating is when leaders don’t recognize how the performance of their organization is directly correlated with their ability to lead with purpose and engage their teams.  We are all here to run a successful business, and the ability to address conflict and lead through others is critical.     

What is your proudest professional accomplishment?

In my second year of working at Hallmark Cards, I rotated into the Manufacturing division and they asked me to take on first line supervisor responsibilities for the department that printed and packaged napkins and table covers.  The employees were less than thrilled to see a 20-something who knew nothing about printing take over as their manager. Over the course of the one year assignment, I was able to win them over by learning their business from all of them and ultimately implementing new practices that increased engagement and fun in our work environment. 


What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

With two kids out of the house, we are moving towards becoming empty nesters and travel as much as possible. I enjoy summer in New England, where I can be found poolside or boating with my family. The rest of the year I spend a lot of time walking the local trails with my chocolate lab, Zoe, enjoying the change in seasons.

How do you manage stress?

Spending time outdoors usually helps melt away stress. I also find I can start to lose sharpness, productivity and creativity if I sit in front of a screen for too long - so I need to get up, move and do something different - a short walk, 10 minutes of weight lifting, or a quick cook in the kitchen usually resets me.

How many cups of coffee do you have in a day?

One cup of Chemex-brewed coffee!

Any book or podcast recommendations? 

For fun, I recently listened to Strike Force Five, with the 5 late night tv hosts who were not working due to the writer’s strike.  It was laugh out loud funny, but what I really loved was seeing five people, who are essentially competitors, get together to raise money for their staffs and genuinely enjoy being with one another.  For professional or growth purposes, I listen to CEO Perspectives from the Conference Board, 9 to 5ish from the Skimm, and Brene Brown.

What advice do you have for recent college graduates?  

Similar as for others - have a plan, but be open to changes in the plan.  Take opportunities as they come, and be patient.  Developing new skills through new experiences takes time and it’s important to spend the needed time becoming proficient. As a parent of recent grads, though, it is very clear to me that new grads have a lot to offer those of us who have been in the workforce for decades.  I have worked to embrace (& learn from!) the new skills that the younger generations are bringing - find ways to share your knowledge and improve the efficiencies in your business. 

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HealthEdge is an innovative software company that provides the only integrated financial, administrative and clinical software platform for healthcare payors.

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Lead(H)er Profile - Melissa Wainwright, Chief Operating Officer at Alloy Enterprises banner image

Lead(H)er Profile - Melissa Wainwright, Chief Operating Officer at Alloy Enterprises

Open Jobs Company Page

Our Lead(H)er series features impressive women leaders in the tech industry. In this Q&A, we are featuring Melissa Wainwright, Chief Operating Officer at Alloy Enterprises.

Where did you grow up and how would you describe yourself as a child?

I grew up on a farm in Indiana.  I feel so fortunate to have grown up in a small community, surrounded by a large family, and really appreciating the value of hard work.  I liked to be involved - school activities and sports, volunteering at the animal shelter, student government, etc.  My siblings are several years younger than me, and babysat them regularly.  I would hold “family meetings” which was pretty much me making them do what I wanted (perhaps the origin of my leadership tendencies?!?).

Melissa Wainwright Alloy Enterprises

(I’m the one in the back rocking the gravity defying hair)

What did you study in college and what was your first job out of school?

I was interested in many things, but never really sure what I wanted to do as a career.  I was good at math, so everyone suggested Engineering.  So, I thought, why not?  I knew I wanted to do something with people & process, and found Industrial Engineering to be the best fit.  My first job was a process improvement role in a large company, directly using my degree.

Can you share the details on your career path and what were the critical moments that got you to where you are today?

This could be a long story!  To sum it up, it’s all been about chasing the challenge and being open to new things. When I was ready for something new & challenging after my first job, I was open to moving anywhere, which landed me in the Boston area.  I ended up being at that company for nearly 10 years, and continued to be open to anything - I took on new areas of the business, traveled all over the world, including spending a year in Mexico to set up a new facility.  None of those things were planned, but I was willing to take on anything.  That broad experience put me in a great position to expand and grow in my career, enabling the opportunities that followed.

What is your current role and responsibilities?

I recently joined Alloy Enterprises as COO.  I’m so excited to be part of this innovative and diverse, growing team.  I’ve come here to be a builder…building processes, teams, and space to scale the company.

Looking back, is this where you thought you’d be professionally?  Was it always your goal to be in this position?

Nope.  I’ve never had a goal to achieve a certain title.  Because I’ve been so open to different markets, companies, and roles, I’ve had a fun and varied path to where I am now.  My goal was (and still is) to genuinely enjoy work, make an impact, and never stop learning.

For people who are looking to be in a similar position, what advice would you give to others in terms of helping them achieve their career goals?

Go broad.  Your path up should not be a straight line.  If you want to be a leader, it’s important to understand different functions, mindsets, and obstacles.  Even if you aren’t part of a department or team, still lean in and learn from them.

What are the most important skills that you need to do your job well?

  • Hunger to learn: That comes with sharp listening skills.  Take the time to really understand.
  • Process thinking:  Problems and obstacles, aggressive timelines, etc….they happen.  If you can apply process thinking, breaking down the steps and options, you can tackle it!
  • Strong EQ: Know your audience.  Understand their point of view.  Make sure your team knows their value.

What do you find most interesting/rewarding about your work?  What’s the most challenging?

That answer is really one in the same for this challenge junkie!  I’m a very process-oriented person.  I am happiest when I can bring a process to an otherwise chaotic situation. 

What is your proudest professional accomplishment?

I’m most proud of the people I’ve been able to connect with and coach along the way.  When I see a former employee soar through their career, and they keep coming back to me for coaching, I’m really so honored to be part of their journey.

Are you involved with any professional organizations outside of the company? Volunteer work?

I used to be!  I was on the Board of Directors for Purdue Alumni for several years, and volunteered for various community organizations.  My kids are now teenagers, and have followed in my footsteps by being involved in everything, so I’ve had to learn to say no for now (except for the occasional bake sale contribution!).  That’s probably one of the most important pieces of advice I could give - know when to say no (it’s something I still struggle with!).  In a few short years, my kids will be off to college and beyond, and will enjoy re-engaging with organizations and volunteer opportunities.


What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

With three active kids at home, there really isn’t a thing called “free time”!  I absolutely love supporting them from the sidelines, chauffeuring them around, and sharing in those special moments as they grow.

How do you manage stress?

I have three adorable fur babies!  My dogs are the best stress relief, always ready to play, cuddle, and just hang. It’s hard to feel stressed when you walk in the door and are greeted by a flurry of wagging tails and love.

Melissa Wainwright Alloy Enterprises

Other than that, it’s all about organization.  For me, no matter how much I have going on, keeping it all organized makes it feel manageable and greatly reduces the stress…and there’s really nothing like checking off something on your to-do list!

What advice do you have for recent college graduates?

Take some risks and don’t stay in your comfort zone.  Some of my best experiences & stories come from when I didn’t take the safe road.  I definitely wouldn’t be where I am today if I had been afraid to fail or be uncomfortable.

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Alloy Enterprises’ novel system provides high throughput of fully-dense parts, enabling manufacturers to scale from prototyping to series production.

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Lead(H)er Profile - Michele Doyle, VP, Enterprise Data and Analytics at Advisor360° banner image

Lead(H)er Profile - Michele Doyle, VP, Enterprise Data and Analytics at Advisor360°

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Our Lead(H)er series features impressive women leaders in the tech industry. In this Q&A, we are featuring Michele Doyle, VP, Enterprise Data and Analytics at Advisor360°.

With its rapid growth and day-to-day pace, it is hard to call Advisor360° a traditional start-up.  

Spun out from Commonwealth Financial Network, Advisor360° has gone on to build an enterprise-class, industry-defining wealth management software comprised of innovative solutions to optimize and simplify the financial advisor and client experience. With more than 900 employees, the Weston, Masshussets-based FinTech platform provider is ready to make even greater waves in the industry. 

What has caught the attention of clients, competitors, and enterprise leaders and what truly distinguishes Advisor360° is its data. Data is the foundation of all Advisor360° products and is harnessed through their Unified Data Fabric®.

A propriety data model, the Unified Data Fabric has the unique ability to cleanse data from hundreds of sources and consolidate it into a rich, unified, and easily understood format for advisors, clients, and executives.

The care, maintenance, and management of the data fabric, from engineering to quality to architecture and analytics, is the responsibility of the Enterprise Data Management team. At the helm of that team is Michele Doyle.

Michele, what is your current role and responsibilities?

I am currently the Vice President of Enterprise Data and Analytics. In this role, I work to ensure that the full life cycle and realized value of data in our firm are the best in the business. I oversee teams that build out the data capabilities and products our company provides, and am responsible for data analytics, architecture, quality, governance, and integration. 

Michele Doyle Advisor360

How many cups of coffee do you have in a day?

I have 3 or 4 cups of coffee a day, and they are a vital part of my self-care routine.

Where did you grow up and how would you describe yourself as a child?

I grew up in Barre, which is a rural area in Central Massachusetts with lots of local farms. I was the oldest of five kids in a family that was active in our community and ran an immigrant and refugee support organization. My family still runs that group, and now I’m on their board of directors.

I worked throughout my growing up years and had a lot of solid employment experience before college. When I wasn’t working, I was making something, growing something, or reading something. I read everything I could get my hands on, especially science fiction. Like those heroes in sci-fi, I loved learning new things and being able to apply that information to solve problems.

What did you study in college and what was your first job out of school?

I had a couple of stints in college and came away with degrees in psychology and occupational therapy. I worked all through my school life, but my first job out of college relating to my education was working as a habilitation specialist.

Can you share the details on your career path and what were the critical moments that got you to where you are today?

I’ve had a less than straightforward career path into technology. One of the things I’ve come to value is the varied experience I’ve brought to my technical role. It’s important for folks to know that it’s okay and beneficial to bring your diverse life experience to technology as part of a nontraditional career path.  

I started my career working with folks who were living with multiple disabilities and moved into a data processing job in order to get health insurance after my oldest child was born. From data processing, I moved to product management, then to data engineering, then to data architecture and analytics.  

One of the critical and defining moments in my career was the move out of health care and into technology. At the time, the health care industry was going through a metamorphosis, and like other folks in allied health roles, I lost my insurance and benefits. In looking for a job that would provide my family with health insurance, I was offered a data processing job at a financial services firm. That job was my entry point into technology, data operations, and product management.  

My degree and experience in occupational therapy focused on a lot of practical problem-solving—there was a specific goal for a patient and the OT’s job was to figure out a way to make that goal attainable. So setting and solutioning toward those goals were skills learned in health care that brought value to my work in technology.  

Another critical moment for me was my introduction to business intelligence. I attended a SQL Summit Conference and was struck by two things:

The first was the sheer number of women technologists at that conference. It was the first technical space where I saw a sizeable number of people like me. I felt like I truly belonged there. Through the lens of that huge community of deeply talented technologists, I saw myself and my skills differently—that I was one of them.  

The second was that I attended this conference in a year when business intelligence was a huge topic. The overlap of technical and business solutioning resonated with me. Business intelligence and analytics became an area of concentration for me from that point on. 

As I’ve grown in experience, I’ve come to realize that data spans across engineering, operations, and product. And that to gain the real benefit of data, you need to have overlapping competencies that understand and draw those areas of focus together. This conference was pivotal in developing my understanding of these concepts, which informed my future roles. 

Looking back, is this where you thought you’d be professionally?  Was it always your goal to be in this position?

Compared to the start of my professional life, this is not where I expected to be. I’ve had several career changes, and with each shift, I’ve had to reposition the goals I held.  

There are two types of goals I tend to focus on. I have one set of professional intentions that are guideposts regardless of career path: To support my family, to have a path to improvement, to have learning opportunities, and to do good in the world. These goals have remained steady throughout my professional life and across muliple careers. 

Another set of goals is the specific goals I set for myself once I am in a profession. Those take time to develop and, for me, take the form of wanting to engage in types of work rather than achieve specific positions.

I’ve been so fortunate in that I’ve had a number of mentors in my life who saw a fit for me in these places that I never expected to go. They saw early potential in me that I wasn’t aware of myself. Their guidance has helped me shape goals while relishing new opportunities.  

What do you find most interesting/rewarding about your work? 

I find it is most rewarding to have the opportunity to work with incredibly gifted people, to keep learning in a field I adore, and to solve real-world problems using interesting technical applications. There is something about bringing a solution from an idea to a reality that is very satisfying. 


What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I like spending time with my family, especially at the ocean. I love traveling with my pals, hitting bookstores with my husband, and making communal dinners with our gang of friends. I greatly enjoy hiking, gardening, and canning. 

Michele Doyle Advisor360

Michele Doyle Advisor360

Any book or podcast recommendations?

As a dedicated bookworm, I’ve got favorite book recommendations for every occasion. 

Here are some classic books about software engineering that were helpful to me when I was teaching myself how to code. Some of these are older, but the core concepts are timeless and important:

  • Code – Charles Petzold
  • Code Complete – Steve McConnell
  • Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software – Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides
  • Programming Pearls – Jon Bentley
  • Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code – Martin Fowler
  • The DevOps Handbook – Kim, Debois, Humble, Willis
  • The Phoenix Project – Kim, Spafford, Behr

These books were helpful to me when focusing on data engineering and analytics. Some of these books, like Invisible Women and Data Portraits are reminders that how data is used is vitally important in technology and have real world impacts. Others, like the Data Warehouse Toolkit and Now You See It are landmark resources for learning to organize and present data effectively

  • Data Portraits: Visualizing Black America – The W.E.B. Du Bois Center
  • Database Reliability Engineering – Campbell, Majors
  • Dear Data – Lupi & Posavec
  • Designing Data-Intensive Applications – Martin Kleppman
  • Introduction to Algorithms – Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein
  • Invisible Women – Caroline Criado Perez
  • Now You See It: An Introduction to Visual Data Sensemaking – Stephen Few
  • Successful Business Intelligence – Cindi Howson
  • The Data Warehouse Toolkit – Ralph Kimball

These books were helpful to me around management and strategy. These were all thoughtful, helpful resources, but Disrupted gets a special mention for being both an incredibly entertaining and disturbing book. 

  • Culture Map – Erin Meyer
  • Disrupted – Dan Lyons
  • Elements of Style – Strunk & White 
  • Managing Humans: Biting Tales of a Software Engineering Manager –  Michael Lopp
  • Team Topologies - Skelton & Paid
  • The Mythical Man Month – Fred Brooks
  • Thinking in Systems – Donella Meadows

Podcasts/Youtube. I try to keep up with a few pod and webcasts on a regular basis. These are all beneficial but Guy in a Cube is my favorite because it puts out amazing information and energy in very focused bursts of time and topics 

What’s your advice for recent college graduates? 

Focus on finding a position where you can really practice your social and professional skill building. Bring your curiosity and passion to an organization that will help you grow. Don’t hesitate to ask your questions and train yourself to go outside your comfort zone. 

For people who are looking to be in a similar position, what advice would you give to others in terms of helping them achieve their career goals?

Find your people. There are folks out there who share the same excitement in your area of focus. You can learn a lot from them, and they make good mentors. 

Try new things. Take risks to try new things even if you think you can’t do them. You do not have to be defined by specific aspects of your role.

You don’t have to be the leader to lead. Anyone can lead regardless of their official role, and anyone can make a positive difference in their organization. Go forth and create the change you want to see!

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Advisor360° is a deeply integrated all-in-one wealth management platform, unifying all the systems an advisor needs to run their business and support clients. 

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Lead(H)er Profile - Caitlin Moore, SVP of Strategic Accounts at Cohere Health banner image

Lead(H)er Profile - Caitlin Moore, SVP of Strategic Accounts at Cohere Health

Open Jobs Company Page

Our Lead(H)er series features impressive women leaders in the tech industry. In this Q&A, we are featuring Caitlin Moore, SVP of Strategic Accounts at Cohere Health.

What were your dreams or aspirations as a child? Who inspired you while growing up?

As a child, the most memorable dream I had was wanting to become a veterinarian, so that I could help animals. I even had a “Vet Pet Kit” and spent a lot of time taking care of my stuffed animals. While this didn’t happen, I do think that a thread of wanting to make a difference and help in some way is one of the reasons that I’ve spent most of my career in the healthcare industry.

In terms of people who inspired me while growing up, the standouts were largely accomplished female athletes who overcame obstacles to be successful. I remember watching Kristi Yamaguchi, Kerri Strug, Mia Hamm, and others and being in awe of their talent and successes. Watching how hard they worked definitely contributed to my overall work ethic and desire to succeed.

Where did you go to college? What did you study and what did you do after graduating? 

For undergrad, I went to St. Mary’s College of Maryland in Southern Maryland and majored in psychology. I graduated in 2008, which was far from the most stellar time to be exploring a first job. I considered going to grad school right away and short term, I attended the Business Bridge program at the Tuck School of Business and worked part-time in retail at J.Crew and as a lifeguard. Ultimately, I wound up starting my first “real job” at Booz Allen Hamilton as a consultant for federal health agencies, which started to solidify my interest in the healthcare space and gave me a good understanding of both business and government.

Can you share the details on your career path and what were the critical moments that got you to where you are today? 

I spent about four years at Booz Allen Hamilton working for different federal health agencies across various aspects of information security, training, and strategy. The first critical moment in my career path came when I decided to leave my consulting job at Booz Allen and go back to school to get my MBA at the Tuck School of Business. 

Going into business school, I was fairly certain that I wanted to pivot away from consulting and move into a corporate position. However, I ultimately decided that I wasn’t ready to leave consulting. Following business school, I spent a few years at Deloitte, focused on working with health plans and health services companies in strategy and operations consulting.

I knew that eventually I wanted to leave consulting, but wanted it to be for the right role and company. When an exciting opportunity came along to work at the then-unnamed and undefined healthcare joint venture started by Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JPMC, this seemed like exactly the sort of thing that was worth leaving for. I spent a couple of years there, further solidifying my desire to stay in healthcare and helping me understand that the next thing for me should be a health tech startup, which ultimately led me to Cohere. 

Caitlin Moore Cohere Health

At my Tuck School of Business MBA graduation.

What is your current role and responsibilities?

I am the SVP of Strategic Accounts at Cohere Health. In this role, I am responsible for our customer accounts and ensuring success at those accounts. Cohere’s accounts, implementation, and PMO teams all roll up to me and I work closely with each team to ensure that we’re delivering a great product and experience to our customers from the time sales hands off to implementation through the entire lifecycle of the customer. To make this happen, we work closely with all of the different teams across the company. I’ve really enjoyed the evolution of my role over my 3 years at Cohere and right now we are very focused on getting all of the critical processes and structure in place that we need to continue scaling.

For people who are looking to be in a similar position, what advice would you give to others in terms of helping them achieve their career goals?

Making connections across the industry you’re interested in is critical. My path to my current role at Cohere involved a huge number of networking conversations and exploring a lot of different opportunities. Talking to people is immensely helpful in understanding what’s out there and what you want to do. In my case, each of the previous roles I held helped me learn more about what I want and need to be happy and successful in a role. Networking conversations with others really helped refine this further.

What has contributed to your success thus far and what types of obstacles have you had to overcome along the way? What is your proudest professional accomplishment?

I would say that two main things have contributed to my success thus far. The first is a strong work ethic and the drive to keep going through any obstacles thrown my way. This was instilled in me through years of competitive swimming, and it’s equally important in the workplace. The second is a willingness and desire to always keep learning and to not be afraid to mess up every once in a while. Without this, it’s a lot harder to succeed, since you aren’t willing to experience the uncomfortable feeling that tends to open doors. Both of these things have allowed me to overcome obstacles such as having to search for a new role in the midst of COVID, figuring out how to scale effectively to support additional customers, and finding ways to keep customers happy through difficult situations.

Overall, I’m proud to say I’ve created the path that got me to where I am today and to have built a very strong network that I’m confident will enable me to land on my feet no matter what happens.

What are the most important skills that you need to do your job well?

One of the most important skills is being able to build strong relationships. In my role this is critical both internally and externally, and without it I would not be able to succeed. I didn’t know it at the time I got my degree in psychology, but the people aspect of everything is often just as important as the work itself.

What do you find most interesting/rewarding about your work?  What’s the most challenging?

The most interesting part is that every day is different and that we are constantly having to figure out how to approach new issues and problems. I thrive in an environment where I’m not doing repetitive things and working at a growing company is fantastic for that. There are constant opportunities to learn and grow. I also enjoy the people-related aspects of my work. I love building strong relationships with both colleagues and customers and really value those relationships.

The most challenging part is that we’re a growing company and have a lot of work to do to scale and effectively deliver for all of our customers. It can be tough some days, especially when we’re working to address customer issues, but it’s also very rewarding.

Caitlin Moore Cohere Health

A dinner out with Cohere colleagues 

Are you involved with any professional organizations outside of the company? Volunteer work?

I’m a member of the Health Tech Nerds community, which has been a fantastic way to meet others who work in health tech and to stay up to date on the industry. I’ve also worked to stay engaged in communities related to my undergrad and grad degrees. I was previously a member of the St. Mary’s Alumni Council and I love staying involved in alumni healthcare and women’s activities for Tuck School of Business.


What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

In my free time, I can generally be found doing something active and outside. I love running, hiking, skiing, and biking. I also enjoy traveling and exploring new places and try to do that as frequently as possible. My fiance and I got the opportunity to go skiing in Zermatt earlier this year, which was an incredible experience!

Caitlin Moore Cohere Health

Beautiful views while skiing in Zermatt.

How do you manage stress?

Running is one of the main ways I manage stress. There’s nothing like a great morning run to calm you down and get you ready for the day ahead. Outside of that, time with friends and family is a great way to de-stress.

How many cups of coffee do you have in a day?

I tried coffee once in college and hated it, so I’ve never been a coffee drinker. There are many days when I do wish that I drank it, though!

Any book or podcast recommendations?

My recent favorite books include Demon Copperhead, Corrections in Ink, and Remarkably Bright Creatures. My favorite podcast remains How I Built This. I am a big Guy Raz fan and I love hearing how various people built their companies.

About the

Cohere Health is a clinical intelligence company that provides intelligent prior authorization as a springboard to better quality outcomes by aligning physicians and health plans on evidence-based care paths for the patient's entire care journey.

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Lead(H)er Profile - Phoebe Smith, Delivery Director at Attensi

Open Jobs Company Page

Our Lead(H)er series features impressive women leaders in the tech industry. In this Q&A, we are featuring Phoebe Smith, Delivery Director at Attensi.

Where did you grow up and how would you describe yourself as a child?

I grew up in a small village in Surrey, near London. As a child I loved to learn and try different things, so I joined every club going including the orchestra, drama clubs, and I played a lot of sports. My favourite was field hockey, which gave me amazing opportunities, including travelling to New Zealand!

Phoebe Smith Attensi

What did you study in college and what was your first job out of school?

I studied Political Science for my Bachelors at the University of Birmingham (UK) and International Public Policy MSc as a Postgrad at University College London. My degrees gave me a great foundation in critical and tactical thinking, and I loved the ever-evolving, unpredictability of politics. Writing essays on topics as they were playing out gave me valuable experience working superfast! 

My first job out of school was in the charity sector – I worked for international development charities in the fundraising departments, which was super fulfilling. 

Can you share the details on your career path and what were the critical moments that got you to where you are today?

My career path is a little windy with a pivotal thread throughout – people. I started in the charity sector, then I went into the biotech world as a researcher at a headhunting firm and then to a professional learning company, before joining Attensi. Every role I’ve had has included working with and connecting people. There’s always been a heavy emphasis on learning too.

I’ve had a number of ‘a-ha’ moments in my career. One that really sticks out is when I first started managing people. I was working with a team member on a goal that was really challenging for them. Helping them push themselves and watching them succeed in it was incredible – I knew that’s what I wanted to do.  

What is your current role and responsibilities?

I am Director of Customer Simulations for our UK and US teams. Our Customer Simulations department includes Project Managers, Designers and Writers who make the amazing solutions our customers play. My responsibilities include leading and developing an incredible team, setting best practices, meeting our goals and KPIs, unblocking challenges, solving problems, stakeholder management, managing capacity – both short term on projects and longer term with hiring, and aligning our team to the company’s strategic goals. My role has a lot of variety and it’s a lot of fun!

Looking back, is this where you thought you’d be professionally?  Was it always your goal to be in this position?

I’ve never been great at the ‘where will you be in 10 years question’, but if I think back to where I’ve always felt the most fulfilment in my career, and the types of culture I’ve gravitated towards, I couldn’t be happier with where I currently am. Working at Attensi is incredible, and I am so lucky to work with the team I do. I’ve been able to be a part of building something extraordinary, and I truly believe in the work we do and our purpose. We hire smart, innovative, kind people who we genuinely encourage to run with their ideas and provide feedback on how we can build and grow. I feel very grateful to be in this position. 

For people who are looking to be in a similar position, what advice would you give to others in terms of helping them achieve their career goals?

Remember that you own your career - you are in the driving seat. My key piece of advice would be to take the time to understand yourself, your strengths and focuses, and align those to what’s needed for where you want to be. Then, push yourself on the goals that you’re avoiding! The scariest goals really are the most satisfying to achieve, and they are what will push you towards the next step in your career. I recommend working with others on these – peers, managers, mentors - both to hold yourself to account and, importantly, for their advice and support. 

What are the most important skills that you need to do your job well?

There are a few skills come to mind. Firstly, people skills – building relationships, communication and providing feedback. Secondly, organisation! I am deeply reliant on my to-do list to keep track of everything going on. Thirdly, balancing tactical and strategic thinking – connecting everyday detail to the bigger picture and purpose. 

What do you find most interesting/rewarding about your work?  What’s the most challenging?

I’m going to sound repetitive here but the most interesting and rewarding part of my work is working with the team to achieve something great, whether that’s delivering a super high value training to a customer, an innovation that’s going to push us further as a company, or a personal goal of theirs. 

The most challenging part is the constant need to prioritise, reprioritise and general time management. There are times I have to pull myself away from something I’m really enjoying because it’s not the biggest immediate priority, and that takes discipline. It can be hard to fit everything I’d want to into a day.

What is your proudest professional accomplishment?

I’m lucky to have had a few professional accomplishments I feel really proud of. A recent moment that stands out is our global Customer Simulations trip to Prague earlier this year, where our whole team gathered to celebrate achieving super impressive goals alongside superfast growth. Our team has more than doubled in the last couple of years - to 55 people - and seeing our team all together, celebrating our collective achievements, it was really special. 

Are you involved with any professional organizations outside of the company? Volunteer work?

Working in the charity sector has stayed with me, and I continue to support a number of charities across different causes through fundraising, donating and volunteering. This will always be very important to me.


What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I love country walks, reading, interior design and the theatre. An ideal Saturday includes a long dog walk with family and friends, a potter around some antique shops and a leisurely meal at a pub. 

Phoebe Smith Attensi

How do you manage stress?

I love a to-do list and feel a lot calmer when I have everything I need to do written down. And then, it’s really important to take some time to de-stress and relax – for me, that’s getting away from screens and going for long walks with my husband and dog.

How many cups of coffee do you have in a day?

I am so stereotypically British I don’t drink coffee, but I average around 5 cups of tea a day.  English Breakfast tea with milk and no sugar, perfection. 

Any book or podcast recommendations?

I am much more of a book person - podcasts rarely hold my attention but reading can. A couple of recommendations: 1. Start with Why by Simon Sinek, which influenced how I think about leadership and communication. Side note: Simon Sinek and Adam Grant are both worth a follow on Linkedin. 2. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. I love books set in fantasy worlds, and this is my absolute favourite. 

What advice do you have for recent college graduates?

Starting your career can feel overwhelming. I recommend you identify companies that align with your ethos, where you’ll feel a sense of purpose and fulfilment in what you do, and start your journey there. Once you find those companies, don’t be afraid to reach out to people who work there. A quick, targeted LinkedIn message can lead to great opportunities. We love hearing from potential applicants at Attensi!

About the

Attensi is the global leader in 3D gamified simulation training and award-winning AI powered solutions for organizations and corporations, creating a ‘learning by doing’ environment. We help people and organizations grow to become exceptional by using a unique blend of game-based training and realism, combined with the inspiration to create behavioral change that is powered by our proprietary platform, training is engaging and impactful.

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