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How to Land the Job of Your Dreams

The line between work life and personal life is often blurred.  For many of us, finding a role that allows us to move in and out of these worlds is an important factor in selecting our dream job.  In other words, if we are going to go all in at work, it has to fit you as well as your personal life.  The work itself is just one element; finding a career that allows us to thrive in ways that are individually meaning is just as critical.  

Whether you are one of the unicorns who is frequently tapped for the next big thing by recruiters, or just someone who seeks to find a new, better fit somewhere, here are a few things to consider when trying to land your dream gig.  


It never ceases to amaze me how often I sit in an interview and am on the receiving end of a candidate struggling to walk me through their background.  You know your career history better than anyone. Take the time to practice telling your story before you interview.  Think through why you took the roles you did, and be able to share how you powered through adversity.  Hiring managers aren’t looking for perfect people.  They do, however, want someone who can articulately talk about the decisions they made, and measure how accountable you are when things don’t always go as planned.  Don’t be embarrassed to share your career highlights, and don’t shy away from talking about key lessons taken from your “learning opportunities” as well.


Before you ever walk into a company, do your research.  No matter what job you are applying for, taking an interview without having a basic understanding of what the company does is a big no-no.  Explore their website, recent press releases, or other available information and take some notes on areas you want more information about.  You’ll feel more confident walking in, but also prepared to better answer, “what questions do you have for me?” when asked.  


Most companies talk a good game and pitch you with their best foot forward.  If something seems too good to be true, it likely is.  It can be intoxicating to be wanted by someone showing interest in you.  It’s quite another when you join and realize things aren’t always as they are portrayed.  Do your diligence and learn about the company in a meaningful way.  In other words, ask direct questions about the things that are meaningful to you.  Read through Glassdoor and other reviews to gain insights.  Ask to speak to someone in a similar role you’ll be taking to get a sense of the real deal.  Tap your network to determine if you know someone who works there that can provide valuable insider insights.


The work world has shifted significantly over the past several decades, so that the expectation is no longer that you join a company for life anymore. That said, jumping every year or two isn’t necessarily the best strategy either. Finding a place where you can grow, add impact and be valued for what you are worth is not easy.  Finding that company who offers all that and is a good culture fit for you as well is even tougher.  When you find it, don’t be so quick to turn your head to the next company who comes a-calling.

No job is nirvana.  Just as in real life, there will be ups and downs. Take the time to truly understand the companies you are interested in, and make sure they are a great fit for the long haul.  While things might look exceptional on the surface, it’s not until you dig deep and truly do your homework that you will know if it’s great match.  

Christina Luconi is Chief People Officer for Rapid7. Follow her on Twitter: @peopleinnovator